Topic: Direct data import

I'm trying to import data directly to FSB.  But there was a bug or some problem with the files. So what I do:
1. Created Data Source, Currency symbols in it.
2. Data files according the instruction at the site: 15M Timeframe(17 700 bars), 30M TF (8800 bars), 4H TF (1100 bars) and 1D (173 bars). All files created in same way.
3. Put the data files into Data Source folder.
4. Reload program (just in case)

What I get:
1. Program upload just 1 file - 4H
2. All other files stop loading at "Waiting data" mode. And nothing happens.

What could be the problem in?

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Безымянный.png 45.26 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Direct data import

The error message says that there is no a symbol EURSGD in the  Poloniex Crypto data source. Please added this symbol from the Control Panel -> Symbols. Be sure you have  the "Poloniex Crypto" data source selected on the list first.

When you add it and it still doesn't load the file, please check again the History Center for errors. If you don't see any useful info there, please attach or post a link to the problematic file.

3 (edited by Peregrine 2018-02-20 12:21:51)

Re: Direct data import

No. I'm trying to load symbol BCHUSD. Program siply does not sign anything after I chose this symbol.
As I said before it freez at "Waiting for a data"

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Безымянный2.png 64.39 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Direct data import

Also as I mentioned the History Center also empty and shows "Waiting for a data"
please, see attached file. One of them.

Post's attachments

BCHUSD30.csv 497.68 kb, 4 downloads since 2018-02-20 

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Re: Direct data import

The problem is that the volume is not a round number. I rounded the last column by using Excel and it worked.

2017-08-14    03:30    600.00    750.00    200.00    540.00    436149.88
2017-08-14    04:00    500.00    540.00    320.00    376.00    270909.64
2017-08-14    04:30    376.00    388.00    324.99    324.99    207981.24
2017-08-14    05:00    323.00    324.00    300.00    301.92    225339.19

Must be:

2017-08-14    03:30    600.00    750.00    200.00    540.00    436149
2017-08-14    04:00    500.00    540.00    320.00    376.00    270909
2017-08-14    04:30    376.00    388.00    324.99    324.99    207981
2017-08-14    05:00    323.00    324.00    300.00    301.92    225339

Use the scripts attached in the Premium Club to export data files or find a way  to export the volume as integer numbers.

Here is the supported Data Files format

Re: Direct data import

Thank you very much! Now it works