1 (edited by tezas 2017-08-16 19:07:33)

Topic: Issue-different FSB results vs own calculation

I have sometimes different results from FSB than from other sources. I provide an example below to illustrate with an example strategy (for simplicity, with no charges and costs).

The idea is to be 100% invested with no leverage. The account settings are 1/1 leverage, the Edit Instrument seettings are 2 digits and lot size 100, and the Strategy properties are 100% invested (in % of invested capital selected, as opposed to constant number of lots), with max. Number of lots = 100.

However, the FSB provides different results than foreseen - I made a calculation of the discrepancies s in Excel (attached). The difference stems from the fact that FSB sometimes „overinvests” (buying more lots than 100% engagement would allow), and sometimes „underinvests” as compared to the „100%” plan..

What should I do to correct it? I know the solution may be very simple, but I could not bypass this.

I attach the strategy, the instrument data and the calculation. Please help!

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mine vs FSB results-test1.xlsx 41 kb, 1 downloads since 2017-08-16 

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Re: Issue-different FSB results vs own calculation

... the data...

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WIGDWA1440.csv 235.92 kb, 1 downloads since 2017-08-16 

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Re: Issue-different FSB results vs own calculation

... and the strategy (used only to find the reason for the difference, almost 'buy and hold' otherwise).

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TESTING DATA ONLY-1.xml 14.84 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Issue-different FSB results vs own calculation

It's late, so I will check tomorrow, but possibly the problem comes from Floating P/L - I see if that issue disappears if I change the opening point to Day Closing as opposed to Day Opening.

Re: Issue-different FSB results vs own calculation

Here is how FSB Pro calculates the Required Margin, Trading Size, Normalized Trading Size and Account Exchange Rate.

        private double RequiredMargin(double lots, int bar)
            var amount = lots*DataSet.Properties.LotSize;
            var exchangeRate = DataSet.Close[bar]/AccountExchangeRate(DataSet.Close[bar]);
            var requiredMargin = amount*exchangeRate/Profile.Leverage;

            return requiredMargin;

        private double TradingSize(double size, int bar)
            if (Strategy.UseAccountPercentEntry)
                var maxMargin = Session[bar].Summary.MoneyEquity*size/100.0;
                var exchangeRate = DataSet.Close[bar]/AccountExchangeRate(DataSet.Close[bar]);
                size = maxMargin*Profile.Leverage/(exchangeRate*DataSet.Properties.LotSize);

            return NormalizeEntryLots(size);

        private double NormalizeEntryLots(double lots)
            if (lots <= 0)
                return 0;

            var minlot = DataSet.Properties.MinLot;
            var maxlot = Strategy.MaxOpenLots;
            var lotstep = DataSet.Properties.LotStep;

            var steps = (int) Math.Round((lots - minlot)/lotstep);
            lots = minlot + steps*lotstep;

            if (lots < minlot)
                return 0;

            return lots > maxlot ? maxlot : lots;

        private double AccountExchangeRate(double price)
            double exchangeRate = 0;

            if (DataSet.Properties.PriceIn == Profile.AccountCurrency)
                exchangeRate = 1;
            else if (DataSet.Properties.InstrType == InstrumentType.Forex &&
                exchangeRate = price;
            else if (Profile.AccountCurrency == "USD")
                exchangeRate = DataSet.Properties.RateToUSD;
            else if (Profile.AccountCurrency == "EUR")
                exchangeRate = DataSet.Properties.RateToEUR;
            else if (Profile.AccountCurrency == "JPY")
                exchangeRate = DataSet.Properties.RateToJPY;
            else if (Profile.AccountCurrency == "GBP")
                exchangeRate = DataSet.Properties.RateToGBP;

            return exchangeRate;

Re: Issue-different FSB results vs own calculation

Thank you! I have corrected my calculation.