Topic: Extracting MT4 data

Hi There

I'm trying to extract data for a number of symbols from MT4 using Popov's script.  I have managed to get the full 200,000 bars of data on a number of symbols, however a lot of the time MT4 just does not go back far enough.  I am using the same terminal as the symbols that work, however sometimes it only goes back ~30,000 bars.  Sometimes it goes back further on 5 minutes than it does on 15 minutes.

Any ideas on how to get the data for these symbols?



Re: Extracting MT4 data

I use a broker that has both MT5 and MT4, MT5 has the data..

You can also use Dukas for data, they have a ton of it

Re: Extracting MT4 data

Blaiserboy wrote:

I use a broker that has both MT5 and MT4, MT5 has the data..

You can also use Dukas for data, they have a ton of it

Thanks Blaiserboy - how do I get the Dukascopy data into .Json?  I use Tick Data Suite, so have plenty of Dukascopy data.  I have tried importing it into MT4 previously, but nothing seems to happen most of the time.

4 (edited by Blaiserboy 2017-07-25 02:52:48)

Re: Extracting MT4 data

get it into MT4, I think and then u can get the .JSON file

You can use Tickstory to load data into MT4. There is a free version.

Re: Extracting MT4 data

I am trying to get the data into MT4 by backtesting with Birt's Tick Data Suite on both M1 and M5 timeframes, and also importing the csv files.  This seems to have worked for M1, however M5 has much less data.  See the attached pictures to demonstrate.  M1 goes back to 2003 while M5 data only goes back to April 2017.

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M1 Data.PNG 63.37 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Extracting MT4 data

And the M5 pic:

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M5 Data.PNG 66.36 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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7 (edited by yonkuro 2017-07-25 03:11:33)

Re: Extracting MT4 data

I usually use FSB default data for EA Studio, as it's also from dukascopy, and the download process is much faster than another third party software. However the data is limited to 100.000 bar but it's not a problem for me because I only use H1 TF. That means I got more than 10 years dukascopy csv data in a few seconds.

Then I use MT4 and the script as converters from csv to json (I also usually add more spread and commission to the data as stress test)

Re: Extracting MT4 data

How do you get the data into MT4?  When I try to import, nothing seems to happen.  I have even tried importing Asirikuy minute data and still nothing happens after I select my csv file.,

Re: Extracting MT4 data

I choose "tab" as separator, when importing the data.

Re: Extracting MT4 data

the setting I use