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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → Only good results on EUR/USD

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Posts: 3

Topic: Only good results on EUR/USD


i have try a lot and i find out that i only get good results on eurusd. Butr the other pairs give me bad results. Also i generate on higher timeframes, i only get results few orders. and that on D1 tf. What to do to get more. In 10 years backtest data only 200 orders?

2 (edited by Hannes 2017-06-19 10:56:25)

Re: Only good results on EUR/USD

Deadlef, I think you should familiarize yourself with FSB a bit more before asking random questions on here. Most questions you ask answer themselves, if you spend a little more time playing around with FSB.

You can also check out Popov's youtube channel. This shoud keep you occupied for a while:

Re: Only good results on EUR/USD

Agree with Hannes....
Allow the generator to run, perhaps, a million times to get results......  examine the results and use all of the different filters in different combinations.
Use the optimizer and then the filters.....
The optimizer can be set to operate in different ways. see the settings for this.
Run the generator with nothing checked in the Acceptance criteria......

Try each of these.....

The most important thing is to use the generator a lot and experiment a lot....

Posts: 3

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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → Only good results on EUR/USD

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