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Forex Software → Forex Strategy Builder Professional → Problem with Including / Excluding Indicators

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Posts: 8

Topic: Problem with Including / Excluding Indicators

I thought I would experiment a bit using the feature to include / exclude Indicators -- in particular, Opening Point of the Position and Closing Point of the Position.  But now my FSB is in a "funny" state.  Even though I reverted to 0 Banned indicators, I can no longer generate any strategies.  I've attached a screen shot that shows (1) 0 Banned for Opening Point of the Position, and (2) no strategies are being generated because Opening and Closing seem to be frozen on  Bar Opening and Bar Closing, only.

Initially what I wanted to do was to selectively use two particular indicators for Opening and Closing points.  So, I checked the checkbox to ban all, and then checked the two indicators that I wanted to use.  But that didn't work -- all Opening and Closing remained banned.  So, then I decided to end the experiment and just revert back to enabling all Opening and Closing indicators.  But that doesn't seem to work.  Even though it says 0 banned, the behavior appears to be all are banned.

Can you help me reset the indicators?  And, also, perhaps I'm doing something wrong.  How would I select specific indicators to use for Opening Point and Closing Point.


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Re: Problem with Including / Excluding Indicators

It is very easy to force the Generator to use a specific indicators. Just set the wanted indicator sin the Editor, go to the Generator and click on the corresponding slot. You will see a padlock icon appears.

There are two options:
- Locked slot (closed padlock image) - the Generator will not change this indicator
- Linked slot (chain image) - the Generator will be able to change only the numeric values of the indicator.

Re: Problem with Including / Excluding Indicators

Yes -- I'm aware of the Lock and Linked feature.  I was just experimenting with including / excluding indicators and got myself into trouble.

My FSB installation is now in a "funny" state.  It behaves as if ALL indicators are banned.  I currently can not generate any strategies.

A few weeks ago I made a backup of the System folder.  When I copy the backup System folder over the current one then things work again.  There must be some setting in one of the *.JSON or *.XML files that makes FSB think all indicators are banned -- or something.

Can you help me get things working again without having to revert to the old System folder?   Does one of the *.JSON or *.XML files control which indicators are banned?  I thought that GeneratorDataBase.json might hold the key.  But when I copied the old version of GeneratorDataBase.json over the new one, that did not solve the problem.  So, I'm guessing there is something else going on.


Re: Problem with Including / Excluding Indicators

You can delete the Settings.json file and when  you run FSB Pro it will recover the default settings.

Re: Problem with Including / Excluding Indicators

Unfortunately, just deleting the Settings.json file doesn't solve the problem -- FSB continues to behave as if all indicators are banned.  However, when I overwrite the System folder with an old, backup System folder then it does work.

Is there some other file in the System folder that affects which indicators are included / excluded?  Or, perhaps, one of the *.XML or *.JSON files are corrupted -- I don't know.  I guess I could go through them one-by-one.

Since I have a workaround it's not a big deal -- I was just hoping to avoid having to use the older System folder.

Re: Problem with Including / Excluding Indicators

I seem to be having the problem. The generator is unable to generate any strategies.

Re: Problem with Including / Excluding Indicators

jimmydaytrades wrote:

I seem to be having the problem. The generator is unable to generate any strategies.

Try to post screen shots, so that we can see the configuration. Sometimes a different set of eyes is helpful.

There must be some small thing that is causing you grief.

Re: Problem with Including / Excluding Indicators

sleytus wrote:

Unfortunately, just deleting the Settings.json file doesn't solve the problem -- FSB continues to behave as if all indicators are banned.  However, when I overwrite the System folder with an old, backup System folder then it does work.

Is there some other file in the System folder that affects which indicators are included / excluded?  Or, perhaps, one of the *.XML or *.JSON files are corrupted -- I don't know.  I guess I could go through them one-by-one.

Since I have a workaround it's not a big deal -- I was just hoping to avoid having to use the older System folder.

A couple times I have had some trouble with FSBPro so I just download a new copy and reinstall.....

If that does not work, I uninstall and then install again.

In my case the problems aroise because I was trying to do weird stuff to some parts of the program so I did not mind reinstalling.

Probably best for you to save your work and reinstall the thing, it will save you hours of grief.

Posts: 8

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