Topic: automated renewal of FSB Pro

Last year, as a long time user, I accepted your offer for a year plus 3 months [15mo] subscription through paypal.  some agents apparently set up an autorenewal payment without my knowledge or consent.  Last week, months before I believed my initial subscription would run out.  I had removed my original source of funding for FSB Pro from my PayPal account many months ago.  So, PayPal charged the "renewal" to my Discover Credit Card!!  I am disputing that completely inappropriate and unauthorized charge through Discover.  Discover thought you ought to be informed.

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

Hello Jdp,

You have an annual subscription started on March 15th, 2016. This is a copy of the PayPal notification we received.

Because you haven't canceled your subscription before the due date, PayPal collected your next charge at the correct date.

We didn't offer 15th months subscription. "Three months free" means that for 12 months billing cycle you pay for only 9 months. For example, the monthly price was 19 euro at that time. The annual price should be 12 * 19 =  228 euro. However, you are billed only 149 eur, which is 79 euro less. (It looks like it was 4 months free at that time).

I had removed my original source of funding for FSB Pro from my PayPal account many months ago.

You canceled your subscription 3 days ago, after paying your second annual charge.


You have to always contact us first when you have any questions. We solve any issues immediately. However, by opening a dispute against us you damaged our good name against the payment authority. You do not leave opportunity to solve the problem between us.


Your FSB Pro account is currently active. It will be automatically stopped on March 15th 2018 when your last payment term expires.

3 (edited by jgp_altus 2017-03-18 08:52:02)

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

It would have been nice to have received this info a year ago.  But I'm not blaming you. I do blame PayPal for not telling me that that they would look around and see if they could find some other way, namely my credit card,  as a 'backup' source of funds.  Had I known they could do that, I would have closed the paypal account sooner.  I have not risked funds on live accounts, because I cannot even get my EAs, which do fine on FSB Pro, to do anything but lose money on the MT4 demo accounts, one FXCM and the other Oanda.  For example, see attachment.

Can't figure out how to show you Oanda MT4 screen, but it's showing  -68.64$ should be making 1.39 USD/day

Will keep working tomorrow on how to attach charts etc to these replies.
  Well, now I've got a goal, to make $200.00 with FSB Pro between now and when my license lapses.  I need to find out what's wrong with it.  Have tried Monte Carlo, with variable parameters and random Backtest start bars.  Get excellent Confidence tables.

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122_EURUSD15M.xml 14.67 kb, 9 downloads since 2017-03-18 

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Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

Can I suggest that you work a higher time frame.

Sometimes the lure of the faster time frames can cause us some grief.

5 (edited by jgp_altus 2017-03-19 01:35:00)

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

thanks for suggestion but all my EAs - while using 15M data, are intended to reflect M30 & H1 and sometimes H4 activities & conditions for entering trades.  Exit conditions frequently are based on M15 activity. That makes sense to me, but I am beginning to suspect that's my problem.  for some reason FSB Pro won't let me do that.

correction, maybe FSB Pro will but EA transported to MT4 won't.  I need help on what gets transported to Oanda and FXCM MT4 demo system.

PS: I had already noticed, and thought it strange, but once FSB Pro EA is attached to a 15M chart, if it later somehow accidently becomes a 30M or 1H chart, the EA as displayed on the new time chart remains the same. strange?

Final edit. Ideally, I would like to use 1M data for EA development, M30 1H & 4H conditions to be met for entering trade, and 1M default exit conditions. Transport EA to MT4 and attach to 1M chart.  But at present I use M15 data, mostly M30 & 1H conditions for entering trade, and 15M conditions for closing a trade. Transport EA to MT4 and attach to 15M Chart

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

Hi dear Popov,

Are you planning to set new offers for new subscribers in the near future?

Best regards

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

Hello Alameh,

We will provide subscriptions only for EA Studio and the other online tools.
We think that the one-time payment is better for an offline tools as FSB Pro. It is also much cheaper for a long time users.

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

Well, I closed the disputed case with Discover. If someone had given me details of who did what and to whom in March 2016 I would never have opened it.  In particular, I thought the offer of 3 extra months meant my original subscription was for 15 months.  Still having huge problems getting EAs that work great on FSB Pro to perform even satisfactorily when exported to either Oanda or FXCM MT4 Demo accounts.  here my latest

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320_EURUSD15M.xml 12.5 kb, 5 downloads since 2017-03-22 

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Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

What do you exactly mean by "to perform even satisfactorily"?

I tested your strat, everything works.

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

what I mean is, despite years of trying, using 'winning' PSB EAs exported to my two Demo mt4, I have been unable to show a 'profit' for any exported EA.  Never. Maybe the problem is that my FSB generated EAs are based upon a $2000 'initial account' and the demo MT4s are not, or because I chose a 'Leverage' of only 10, or because I chose a 'spread' of 60 because on FXCM Demo MT4 the spread sometimes gets that high at 'off hours', or because I chose first 1M, then 5M, now 15M 'periods' and Opened positions on M30, 1H conditions and 'opening Logic' conditions that are frequently M30 and 1H, etc etc.
What do you mean when you say my FSB Pro transported EA "Works"?  And if its 'profitable' on your Demo or Live MT4, can you determine, please, please, why its profitable for you and NOT profitable for me?  Is there something terribly wrong with my EA 'export' mechanism?  If by saying "it works for me", then that says to me that everything is OK up until the EA gets 'exported'.  And I have no way to check that.

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

At first I thought that you export your strats, but you are unable to make them work, meaning they don't trade. So, to determine whether there are some bugs, I took your strats, put them on demo, put them on strategy tester and they worked as expected. Indicator values between MT and FSB are matching, therefore my conclusion is that your strats work!

Now I see that you apparently have a problem with overall performance, profitability in other words. At what point do you decide that a strat is a losing one? After a day, after a week, after 2 consecutive losses?

The first lesson in algo trading is that profitable backtest does not guarantee similar future performance. And one cannot hold the software accountable if a strat turns out to be a loser. The best in this case would be to re-work and re-learn your approach to strat development. Formulate your approach and principles concisely and make a simple test: cut your dataset into 2 (a ratio of 4:1), develop 10 or more strats as per your principles on the first set of data and then put your strats on that last bit of data for validation. How do they fare on that new piece of data? What's the success rate? Usually it's a break-even, meaning 50% of strats are profitable. So, if the success rate is 50 and below, your strat developing methodology is no good, the problem is in you! If more than 50% of strats are profitable on that new set of data, your approach is good! Keep up the work and fine tune it.

Anyhow, that is my advice and one way of looking at things. I'm sure there are many other ways. Hope this helps to nudge your thoughts a bit.

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

thanks for taking time to address my problems.  I usually run on  both Demo MT4s all 4 [EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF,& USDJPY FSB Pro exported EAs] for several weeks before concluding they're not profitable.  These are all EAs with at least $1/day[.01lot, leverage 10, w/l>.75,MC tested randomized indicator parameters, ppd>$1=75%, etc ]   I try to develop FSB EAs on both FSB Demo data and Oanda Chart data, usually with 30-40% OOS.  I tend to accept that Bill Williams knew what he was talking about re markets etc.
My concern now is not in developing profitable EAs on FSB Pro, but on figuring out why my exported EAs are never profitable on my Demo MT4s. Once I get one EA that does show a profit on a Demo MT4 more often than not then I'll conclude that all time & effort expended was worth it.

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

let me try to answer this,

you said earlier, that you have 2 demo accounts (FXCM & OANDA)
then you said lately that you use on FSB 2 data sources FSB_DEMO source AND  OANDA_DATA sources.

in my little experience, each broker has his own data sources and you will not have identical result if you used different sources

try this, import to FSB the data from FXCM and make your strategy, then export it to be used only on FXCM DEMO will definitely have the same results as FSB...i had this problem once
you simply need to differentiate between brokers data...they are not the same

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

I use two data sources for generating FSB Pro EAs.  I 'test' the resultant EA with both data sources.  I obtain Oanda Chart data using the Popov ChartbyChart saving method.  I have discovered that the FSB Demo data yields a slightly different Net Balance than the Oanda Chart Data.  But my intentions are presently to establish a live acct with Oanda as being more reliable than FXCM which has changed in some ways recently that I don't fully understand. [so I closed out my FXCM live account]
So what I'm doing is generating EAs using Oanda Chart data and exporting those EAs to my Oanda MT4 Demo acct, and checking to make sure that the EA generated using FSB Demo data is virtually the same before using the Oanda EAs on FXCM Demo.  My view is that the Oanda demo MT4 is more representative of a real Live MT4  and that the FSB Demo data is more representative than the FXCM Chart data.  As I said, I've been at this for at least 3 years, and have tried lots of things. Have no trouble in concluding that I don't understand anything that happens after I export the EAs.  So that is where I think my inability to have FSB Pro profitable EAs show profits on Oanda/FXCM Demo Accounts lies.

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

It may be that you are working on time frames that are not great for your strategies.....

Backtestsed strategies are not guaranteed to work in live markets.

Best to use higher time frames as they have better data points.

16 (edited by jgp_altus 2017-03-25 15:10:02)

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

Thanks, but I don't understand your suggestion. When I attach an EA to a 15M chart, and all my EA logic conditions are for 30M 'periods' or higher, don't those HTF logic conditions operate on the HTF data points you claim are more accurate???  I don't understand.  What does HTF 'period' mean???  Isn't it better to have  bar closing as frequent as possible.  Is it better to wait an hour to apply closing conditions than waiting 15M?

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

For me, I use 240 minute for my strategies, I have a whole series of daily that I built over a long time.

HTF  higher time frame

Hope that helps.

Lower timer frames are more volatile and logic is being adjusted more frequently.

18 (edited by jgp_altus 2017-03-27 02:59:59)

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

Does that mean you attach your EAs to 240M MT4 Charts, which would mean all your Entry & Exit Logic Conditions are 240M or higher, or can you attach your EAs to 15M MT4 Charts wherin your Exit logic conditions can be tested With [for example] Bar Closing every 15M?  Are your Closing Logic Conditions tested on MT4 only after 4H???I presumed it would be better to test them as soon as possible, like every 1M. Most of my EAs Entry Logic conditions are 30M or higher, but my Exit Logic Condition are 15M and I would like them to be even lower,  5M or even 1M, but that would mean having to attach My EAs to 5M or 1M MT4 charts.  That's the way my FSB Pro generated EAs  work, why don't my Exported EAs work that way on either of my MT4 Demo Accounts.  ???
PS.  As I understand FSB Pro closing logic conditions, they are tested at end of Period or Bar. until then they are tested against the last completed Bar values. So if your FSB Pro "period" is 240M, your Exit Logic Conditions are tested against values obtained during the previous Bar.  Even if you use Stop Limit exit Condition, doesn't it only move the value tested against [ in your 240M EA/Chart case] at the end of the Chart 'Bar'?? Are there FSB Pro exit Indicators that Exit on Tick Data??

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

jgp_altus wrote:

As I understand FSB Pro closing logic conditions, they are tested at end of Period or Bar. until then they are tested against the last completed Bar values. So if your FSB Pro "period" is 240M, your Exit Logic Conditions are tested against values obtained during the previous Bar.  Even if you use Stop Limit exit Condition, doesn't it only move the value tested against [ in your 240M EA/Chart case] at the end of the Chart 'Bar'?? Are there FSB Pro exit Indicators that Exit on Tick Data??

You understand wrong.

why don't my Exported EAs work that way on either of my MT4 Demo Accounts

Can you provide something to make your statement clear and substantiated?

20 (edited by jgp_altus 2017-03-27 17:11:29)

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

If I understand "Wrong", why do so many Closing Logic Indicators say=>  "Use previous Bar value (automatically set). "  What does that statement mean if not what I said. 

And what I have been saying for months is that FSB Pro EAs, when exported and attached to a MT4 chart, open positions that change the Account "Equity" up and down, but only seem to change the Account Balance - if at all - negatively. 

For the past several years I have not had a single positive [winning] MT4 Demo Account.  None! Many, many winning FSB Pro EAs but No winning MT4 accounts.

Can someone move this exchange to a more appropriate 'thread'???

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

jgp_altus wrote:

If I understand "Wrong", why do so many Closing Logic Indicators say=>  "Use previous Bar value (automatically set). "  What does that statement mean if not what I said.

Why shouldn't they say it? Do you have some real examples where PBV is working the wrong way? Before making any statements, you could study your strategy a bit, it would take less than 5 minutes to do so, you're experienced FSB user after all.

If it says "automatically set", it is automatically set. Controlling PBV is the job of FSB, and you can see it yourself from the indi window whether it is turned on or not. And verify it on chart if it works as intended.

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

There is every reason for many, maybe most, closing Logic positions to say that during bar execution, there is no way to know what the high will turn out to be, or the Lo, or the average or the close.  So the EA HAS TO use the values from the previous bar.  I have understood that for 5-6 years!!!  What did I write that gave the impression I didn't?  What I've been saying is that it seems to me that, for closure, it is a good idea to have the bar interval as short as possible.  It doesn't hurt to have your closing logic conditions checked against the data as often as possible. Does it???

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

What did I write that gave the impression I didn't?

Post 18, for example.

What I've been saying is that it seems to me that, for closure, it is a good idea to have the bar interval as short as possible.  It doesn't hurt to have your closing logic conditions checked against the data as often as possible. Does it???

I don't understand you. It looks like you are trying to overcome a wall that isn't there. Am I right if I say that you don't really grasp the way FSB works?

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

The idea of checking the price as often as possible is right, in a way...... , however, trying to cut things so close is going to cause you grief.
because there are far more bars on a 5 minute chart than on a 4 hour chart...... the fluctuations are much greater, the data points are not as good on the 5 minute.....
Your oscillators will be changing value much more frequently and you can get trapped by periods of chop.
However, some people are determined to trade the fast charts......, myself, I prefer fewer trades with more accuracy.
My theory is that super simple works best.

25 (edited by Freesby 2017-04-03 09:22:55)

Re: automated renewal of FSB Pro

jgp_altus wrote:

Does that mean you attach your EAs to 240M MT4 Charts, which would mean all your Entry & Exit Logic Conditions are 240M or higher, or can you attach your EAs to 15M MT4 Charts wherin your Exit logic conditions can be tested With [for example] Bar Closing every 15M?  Are your Closing Logic Conditions tested on MT4 only after 4H???I presumed it would be better to test them as soon as possible, like every 1M. Most of my EAs Entry Logic conditions are 30M or higher, but my Exit Logic Condition are 15M and I would like them to be even lower,  5M or even 1M, but that would mean having to attach My EAs to 5M or 1M MT4 charts.

Hello to all

Maybe that's the problem,
It does not make sense to impose a TF for the opening or a TF for the closure, if there are no confirming statistics.
for opening it is possible to use a high TF (4H, 1D) to know the trend, a minor one to know the daily trend and an indicator with even minor trend to enter the correct direction of the trend.

But Tf 15, 30, 1 H, when used together are not indicative of trends but are at risk of false accelerations and false breaks.

FSB can be improved and it probably will be,
but his task is to look for a set of operations that give positive sum over time, it can not tell whether a strategy is rational.

I'm looking at your strategy EurUsd 122,
uses around 4 indicators

AO indicates the acceleration of the 30 ', then the risk of false signals
GO indicates the trend of 3 Moving averages,

AO 30 'is always late,
GO should confirm that an AO signal, probably indicates a signal that is ending.
Perhaps it would be better to reverse them and work them, perhaps adding a filter in the direction of the most important trends
Using Envelopes for closing does not make sense, use 2 Envelopes is absurd.

Your strategy with the default data FSB shows me:
SQN = 0.78 ???????
Average HPR = 0.05 ??????
Stagnation of 590 days, up from 15 Tf '??? with 0.03 lot ???
PF = 1.19 (account closure)
etc. etc

This is a strategy to trash, instead you can better meet the indicators and TF.
You do not have to see FSB (like other similar software) as a shortcut, but as a tool on which to work (much) to have a different solution !!!
Good trading