Topic: repository


what are the criteria to add a new strategy to the repository?
say like, someone want to share his successful strategy sample to all the user, are you following any criteria to select the one that could be posted on the repository tab?

i think this will encourage everyone to do their best to help others and develop a better trading environment on FSB,right?

Re: repository

Should be of excellent quality, something worthwhile.

Some people have uploaded strategies to satisfy their ego.........

Re: repository

appreciate your answer, but if criteria is made, will eliminate any attempt of "ego satisfaction".
one can publish a good one, but will always face someone with unstructured criticism.

this might attract to FSB more new traders who are seeking the experience of experts...

Re: repository

In the package when people download the software is some examples.......

If people are copying the repository examples, they are not necessarily learning.......

People that want help can post on the threads as you do and get real help.......

The repository is great however I am sure that people are not posting their best strategies in there....

At some time in the future the repository may be filtered so that only worthwhile strategies appear there.

Re: repository

I agree with you,
But it is nice if some examples of categories are posted more on the repo (like scalping strategy, highfrequency trading strategy, breakout strategy, trend-catching strategy..........)
As these categories could really teach newbies

Re: repository

Trading is self taught, it is best that people dig into the software and explore.......

The indicators to build those strategies are all available....... people have to read about the strategies and then apply the indicators...... that way they will understand what they are doing....... and can retain the knowledge. for when the strategy blows up and they have to fix it.

Sure, I understand your thinking, I alos see that people can easily become dependent on others and then lose their money.

You are probably more right than me......  maybe I am stubborn in old age...... lol

Re: repository

concerning self teaching...i need help
i f i want to say that:
Bar (0) Range  is >= to Bar (1) range

how can i do it? which indicator to use in FSB?
Thank you

Re: repository

Current higher than previous or vice versa? The former is like this:

[Opening Logic Condition]
     Average True Range
     [ A ]   ATR rises
     Smoothing method  -  Simple
     Base price  -  Bar range
     Smoothing period  -  1

If it's other way round, choose "falls" in ATR.

Re: repository

Many thanks dear