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Create and Test Forex Strategies

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Posts: 10

Topic: EA problem

i made an EA on FSB pro, that includes "EMAPREDICTIVE' indi as an open point for strategy.
when i transfer it to MT4, it shows a problem...please can you help?

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EMAPredictive.png 120.12 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: EA problem

here is the mq4 version
thank you

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Quiki_USDJPY@FSB.mq4 294.25 kb, 6 downloads since 2016-12-31 

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Re: EA problem

I see in the screenshot that longPeriod and shortPeriod varibales are declared with a lowercase, but later used with an  uppercase letter at the beginning. You can fix that in the code.

Re: EA problem

Indicator bug fixed! Repository updated.

Re: EA problem


Re: EA problem

hi again,
it was fixed, and many thanx.
i loaded the expert to M1 time frame.
it says no enough bars, although i refreshed the chart and re-downloaded the data from history center, but still not fixed.
might be because of the expert itself?
thank you

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nO ENOUGH BARS.png 130.37 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: EA problem

How many bars do you have on chart? Move the mouse cursor on the tab, which says USDJPY, M1 and hold it there, a notice will appear how many bars you have on chart.

Re: EA problem

it says 6387917 bars

Re: EA problem

I tried now it myself and it works fine.

Close MT and re-open it. Make sure to scroll the chart a bit with the home key.

Re: EA problem

Thank you a lot!

Posts: 10

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