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Forex Software → Expert Advisor Modifications → Auto Lot Size Calculation

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Posts: 22

Topic: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Dear Popov,

Could you please teach me how to add auto lot size calculation (based on percentage) code using metaeditor?


Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Account Percent Entry for MetaTrader 4

1. Rename the first appearance of Entry_Amount input parameter to Entry_Percent. It is at the begging of the expert. Set your starting percent. Change also the parameter comment.
2. Add Maximum_Lots parameter below the Entry_Percent parameter.

Old code:

static input double Entry_Amount = 0.10; // Entry lots

New code:

static input double Entry_Percent = 2.0; // Entry percent
static input double Maximum_Lots = 0.5; // Maximum entry lots

Your code must be something like that:

3. Add actual entry amount calculation. Find the "OpenPosition" function and add the following code at its begging.

   int margin=(int) MarketInfo(_Symbol,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);
   double Entry_Amount=(Entry_Percent/100)*AccountEquity()/margin;

Your modified function must be something like that:

Explanation of the above code:
- line 1 - get the require dmargin.
- line 2 - define and calculate Entry_Amount as percentage of the margin you can invest
- line 3 - assure it is not higher than the  Maximum_Lots;
- line 4 - assure it is not lower than 0.01.
- line 5 - round the number to the second digit.

Now when you run the expert you will see the account percent input parameters:

Trade Safe!

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Thank you smile

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Account Percent Entry for MetaTrader 5

The code for MT5 is almost the same as above with only one difference in the OpenPosition function. Instead of AccountEquity() use AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY)

Input parameters code:

static input double Entry_Percent= 2.0; // Entry percent
static input double Maximum_Lots = 0.5; // Maximum entry lots

OpenPosition function code:

   int margin=(int)SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL);
   double Entry_Amount=(Entry_Percent/100)*AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY)/margin;

Your code must be something like:

Trade Safe!

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Hi Popov, could you please check my EA?

No matter how I change the "entry percent" and "maximum entry lot" value, it always use the "maximum entry lot" size ? so if put 10 on it and 2 on "entry percent", it'll try to open 10 lot, regardless the account balance.

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Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

The sample code is corrected.

We find the trading size as percentage from the margin we can invest.

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Unfortunately, it is never easy when you deal with MetaTrader.

"SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL)" doesn't work and returns 0 for some brokers.

If you have such case, you have to use other means of finding the required margin.

Here is the code I'm using in the FSB Pro experts:

   MqlTick tick;
   double margin=SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL);
      bool ok=OrderCalcMargin(ORDER_TYPE_BUY,_Symbol,1,tick.ask,margin);

The complete "OpenPosition" function for the MT5 experts will look like that:

Trade Safe and have luck with your MQL codding!

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Thanks a lot, it works and unexpectedly fun smile

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Hi Popov, if the broker only allows mini lot (0.1) step/increment, which code should I change?

The backtest show this error : OrderSend error 131, after I searched in Google, it's said the error is due to broker doesn't allow micro lot increment.

I test it using fixed lot version with 0.11 lot and it give the same error, but when I change the lot size to round number such as 0.1 or 0.2, it works well. So I'm sure the problem is the allowed increment

10 (edited by yonkuro 2016-09-27 08:33:42)

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Ah I got it I should change NormalizeDouble(Entry_Amount,2); to NormalizeDouble(Entry_Amount,1);.

But how do I make the EA to detect the minimum allowed increment automatically?

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

You are correct. You have to make the following changes:


This must work. You don't need to set additional increment value because it is most probably 0.1 and when the NormalizeDouble(Entry_Amount,1) function round it to the first decimal digit, it will work fine.

12 (edited by yonkuro 2016-09-27 09:13:04)

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Thanks, but is it posible to make the EA detect minimum alllowed lot size automatically?

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Yes, it is possible. You can use the follow function (taken from the FSB Pro scripts):

double NormalizeEntrySize(double size)
    double minlot  = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MINLOT);
    double lotstep = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_LOTSTEP);

    if (size <= minlot)
        return (minlot);

    int steps = (int) MathRound((size - minlot) / lotstep);
    size = minlot + steps * lotstep;

    if (size >= Maximum_Lots)
        size = Maximum_Lots;

    size = NormalizeDouble(size, digits);

    return (size);

Put this function somewhere in the file and use it like that:

Entry_Amount = NormalizeEntrySize(Entry_Amount);

14 (edited by yonkuro 2016-09-28 04:05:09)

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Hi Popov, I got this error when applying that code, I don't know, may be I applied it incorrectly

The EA is attached.

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Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

This error is because the NormalizeEntrySize is inside the OpenPosition function. MQL doesn't allow nesting functions. The solution is very simple - move NormalizeEntrySize before OpenPosition function.

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Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Thank you so much, it works perfectly wink

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation


Thanks for asking these features and developing solutions...

These are most helpful... I had been asking a couple of them and now see in this thread that you are months ahead of me..

Thank you again!

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Blaiserboy wrote:


Thanks for asking these features and developing solutions...

These are most helpful... I had been asking a couple of them and now see in this thread that you are months ahead of me..

Thank you again!

No problem Sir... wink

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

if i want to have both. Entry amount fix and entry amount with percent. If Lot size percent will be the code for ea studi portfolio or generall normal strats`?

20 (edited by deadlef 2018-09-16 18:50:47)

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Popov wrote:

Yes, it is possible. You can use the follow function (taken from the FSB Pro scripts):

double NormalizeEntrySize(double size)
    double minlot  = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MINLOT);
    double lotstep = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_LOTSTEP);

    if (size <= minlot)
        return (minlot);

    int steps = (int) MathRound((size - minlot) / lotstep);
    size = minlot + steps * lotstep;

    if (size >= Maximum_Lots)
        size = Maximum_Lots;

    size = NormalizeDouble(size, digits);

    return (size);

Put this function somewhere in the file and use it like that:

Entry_Amount = NormalizeEntrySize(Entry_Amount);

Is it posible to make the EA detect minimum alllowed lot size and maximum lotsize automatically?
I think the code check the minlot size but what to do if the lotsize reached the maxium allowed from broker?
Is this code correct?

double NormalizeEntrySize(double size) {
   double minlot  = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MINLOT);
   double maxlot  = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MAXLOT);
   double lotstep = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_LOTSTEP);

   if (size <= minlot)
       return (minlot);

   int steps = (int) MathRound((size - minlot) / lotstep);
   size = minlot + steps * lotstep;

   if (size >= maxlot || size >=Maximum_Lots)
       size = maxlot;
   size = NormalizeDouble(size, digits);   

   return (size);

21 (edited by mentosan 2021-05-18 11:40:13)

Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

Dear Popov,

can you please make an update for this old topic? I compared the code from a fresh new strategy with the old one from the EA updated here and it seems to me that the coding is different.

I am very interested (as you know smile ) in using percentages instead of lots and I haven't found a solution yet.

I tried to use FSB because of the percentage, but still I have more other problems there. With Expert Advisor I miss only this function, otherwise it is PERFECT !



Re: Auto Lot Size Calculation

i struggling to let run a perfecct function for the entry percent..maybe popov can you make it for the new mt5 porttfolio?

Posts: 22

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