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Forex Software → Help and Support → MT5 EA trading problem

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Posts: 9

Topic: MT5 EA trading problem

Dear Sir, i made ea in your program but i am not buy your program and i use
tester in mt5 and my ea works very good! When i try to put him on demo
account in mt5, ea load very good but not trade! That is my problem, so if
you can help me, tnx in advance! And i see signals to go long and short but
ea do nothing.

Re: MT5 EA trading problem

Open the MT5 Toolbox and check the Experts and the Journal tabs. Do you see any error messages?

Can you post your strategy and a screenshot from MT?

Re: MT5 EA trading problem

Ok, just moment

Post's attachments

strategy gbpjpy.txt 220.96 kb, 13 downloads since 2016-05-24 

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Re: MT5 EA trading problem

And picture

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2016-05-24_18-09.jpg 156 kb, 1 downloads since 2016-05-24 

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Re: MT5 EA trading problem

Sir Miroslav thank you for help. it was my mistake. i attach gbph1 on h4. that is my mistake, sorry and thank you. best wishes

Re: MT5 EA trading problem

This strategy works as a backtest in FSBpro but does not work in MT4. What is wrong?

Post's attachments

USDCHF MACD BAR CLOSE H1.xml 15.74 kb, 5 downloads since 2016-06-06 

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Re: MT5 EA trading problem

Re: MT5 EA trading problem

What is wrong?

Check the MT journal for errors or warnings.

Re: MT5 EA trading problem

I have not found any notice in the journal .I have another few strategies they use the same logic conditions and also do not work. Maybe any  indicator.

Posts: 9

Pages 1

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