Topic: FSB Pro License Change

We remove the Free license of FSB Pro from April 1st.

The new license will include 15 days trial period with the full futures available. After the expiration of the trial period the program will not allow saving strategies and collections and also exporting of Expert Advisors.

Now the Licensed Users pay for the free features of the program for all Free users. We don't think this is correct. With the new licensing model every user will pay only for the service she/he receives and the income will be used for improving and supporting the project.

Trade Safe!

Re: FSB Pro License Change

Hi Popov,

I fully support your decision.  You have been very generous for all these years.  It is time you should be reaping for your hard work.

I believe those who value FSB's excellent features and capabilities would stand by your decision and agree that it's only fair that you start charging after all these years of sacrifices you have made.

Re: FSB Pro License Change

Will the EA Studio be stay free for all vistitor?

I really hope the EA studio will be the online version of FSB pro so only the licensed members have the access.

As the EA Studio doesn't depend on computer specs, so I think the generator would be faster than FSB Pro.

Re: FSB Pro License Change

EA Studio will be free for all users. It replaces the Free version of FSB Pro.

5 (edited by yonkuro 2016-03-14 15:45:44)

Re: FSB Pro License Change

Popov wrote:

EA Studio will be free for all users. It replaces the Free version of FSB Pro.

Man, you're really generous. I'm proud to of being member here.

Re: FSB Pro License Change

Absolute right descicion Mr. Popov, you deserve payment for such a great masterpiece like FSB Pro! Thanks for all the free years.

Re: FSB Pro License Change

fully support you on this