Topic: Mirroring condition Could be eased inside the same indicator!!!
Hello Pop
as we know the FSB built to make conditions are mirrored fro buy and sell signals !!!
BUT what if i want to buy in both conditions
Example : if RSI rise ............> Buy & RSI Falls .........> Buy when both > 70 level
Is that possible to be done inside one indicator !!!!!!
case "RSI rises":
indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
SpecialValues = new double[] {50};
case "RSI falls":
indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
SpecialValues = new double[] {50};
case "RSI is higher than the Level line":
indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
SpecialValues = new[] {dLevel, 100 - dLevel};