Topic: Mirroring condition Could be eased inside the same indicator!!!

Hello Pop
as we know the FSB built to make conditions are mirrored fro buy and sell signals !!!
BUT what if i want to buy in both conditions

Example : if RSI rise ............> Buy & RSI Falls .........> Buy when both > 70 level

Is that possible to be done inside one indicator !!!!!!

case "RSI rises":
                    indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises;
                    SpecialValues = new double[] {50};

                case "RSI falls":
                    indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls;
                    SpecialValues = new double[] {50};

                case "RSI is higher than the Level line":
                    indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line;
                    SpecialValues = new[] {dLevel, 100 - dLevel};

Re: Mirroring condition Could be eased inside the same indicator!!!

See ADX code for example.
The only difference is that you use "NoDirectionOscillatorLogic" instead of "OscillatorLogic"

// ADX rises equal signals in both directions!
NoDirectionOscillatorLogic(firstBar, previous, adx, level, ref Component[3], logicRule);
Component[4].Value = Component[3].Value;

Re: Mirroring condition Could be eased inside the same indicator!!!

Thanks Pop

Re: Mirroring condition Could be eased inside the same indicator!!!

Another Question But using The Level Line :

If I need to Close both long and short at the same level line How it can be done?

Re: Mirroring condition Could be eased inside the same indicator!!!

Use "IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line" or "IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line"

and give the level to the NoDirectionOscillatorLogic. It takes one level value.

/// <summary>
///     Calculates the logic of a No Direction Oscillator.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstBar">The first bar number.</param>
/// <param name="prvs">To use the previous bar or not.</param>
/// <param name="adIndValue">The indicator values.</param>
/// <param name="dLevel">The Level value.</param>
/// <param name="indComp">Indicator component where to save the results.</param>
/// <param name="indLogic">The chosen logic.</param>
/// <returns>True if everything is ok.</returns>
protected void NoDirectionOscillatorLogic(int firstBar, int prvs, double[] adIndValue, double dLevel, ref IndicatorComp indComp, IndicatorLogic indLogic)