Topic: Strange problem with swap


Here is the problem I have with swaps - let's take EURUSD for example.
My brokers swaps are: -3.60 / -2.52 (it means you will never get profit from swap)

Here is the config:

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Re: Strange problem with swap

Let's go to profit calculator and set the same open and close price with 1 day rollover)
For short order: (Ok, that's right - commisiion + rollover = -9.2 USD)

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Re: Strange problem with swap

For long order:

Hmm, why? Do I get profit on rollolver? Should I enter my long swap with the opposite sign?
Is it the same in Pro?

Thank you.

Re: Strange problem with swap

Probably here is the answer:
double rollover = lots*lotSize*(posDir == PosDirection.Long ? swapLongPoints : -swapShortPoints)*point*

So it looks like I should change a sign of the short swap when entering into FSB.
By the way here is how it looks in MT4:

That's pretty strange and unclear why should I change sign.

Re: Strange problem with swap

The last thing - when I use FSB Pro and import symbol data from mt4 connection - it's imported as is:
(so short swap sign is not changed)

Unfortunately I haven't found profit calculator in Pro version. So it probably means FSB Pro symbol import from MT4 works wrong and both FSB have pretty strange way of swap interpretation.

Hope to see the answers and solution.

Thank you.

Re: Strange problem with swap

Swaps in both FSB and FSB Pro works in the same way.

Long Swap: positive value decreases the profit on a rollover.
Short Swap: negative value decreases the profit on a rollover.

I recommend using always a positive long swap and a negative short swap.

The Swap you enter in the config panel is in points.
Please consult your broker parameters sheet how they set their swaps.

There are huge difference in swaps of the different brokers. See here a comparison:


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Re: Strange problem with swap

Ok, thank you for the detailed explanation.
Anyway MT4 has opposite sign for long swaps - probably you need to fix it in the FSB Pro import data from mt4.

Thank you.

Re: Strange problem with swap

Anyway MT4 has opposite sign for long swaps - probably you need to fix it in the FSB Pro import data from mt4.

I see it, but I'm not sure what the broker intention is.  As you can see on the above links, a half of the brokers has positive long swap and the other half has a negative one.

Re: Strange problem with swap

I've checked that and in MT4 positive swap stands for profit (for long & short) and negative for loss.