Topic: Parabolic Equity Curve
From the equity curve, I see most looks like the parabolic curve that gets flat in the current past, the best is equity curve that looks like a "straight line" I have never seen equity curve that looks somewhat like an exponential curve or even equity curve whose gradient that is steeper in the current past (end of curve) as compared to the distance pass (beginning)
This I believe is the way we "reward" the strategy generation process, most will come up with strategy that is, had we start investing in the distance pass using this strategy we would had been this profitable now. They are coming up with "past" performance strategy, that's why they are no indication of the "future" performance.
We need strategy generation that give us a fighting chance ,to comes up with strategy that indicate we are profitable in the near past but were still profitable in the distance future and would have need the lowest capital in the past to arrive at this state.