Topic: Cannot seem to connect to Oanda meta trader properly - Pro version

The data doesn't appear to be coming across appropriately. Not sure how I set it up wrong. Using latest version 1.6. I also cannot seem to get the strategy specific settings "recommended chart bars" to stay at anything other than 300.

Re: Cannot seem to connect to Oanda meta trader properly - Pro version

"recommended chart bars must be set before connecting.

It seam there is no tick coming form MT.
3 green bar son connection icon means that FSB sends pings and MT answers.
4 green means that ticks are coming. When FSB receives at least one tick, it shows chart and starts trading.

Re: Cannot seem to connect to Oanda meta trader properly - Pro version

any ideas about what settings I may need to get this working correctly? The number of bars goes from 3 to 4 and back, but still no data. I see the ticks coming in (the price updates) in the connection window.

I have plenty of resources available it is an amazon m1.large instance.

Re: Cannot seem to connect to Oanda meta trader properly - Pro version

There is something very wrong with the data. See data params in the screen shot.
I'll check Oanda MT4.