Topic: Equity Logic?

Could there be a logic that allows trade only when equity is equal or larger than balance? It could be useful if you make a trend following system with "Add lots".

Re: Equity Logic?

try generating something with one of the conditions being 100 per cent wins..... you may see how to do what you want when doing that.

You can set so that there is no drawdown.

Test various controls in the generator to see if you can get the required result

Re: Equity Logic?

I am not sure I understand what you mean. My idea is like this. Lets say we buy first lot when the price hit upper Bollinger band. We will now be in negative territory with Equity because of spread/commision and most likely because price will fall back for some time. Next lot I want to add is again when the price hit upper BollingerBand, but only if equity is greater than balance. This ensures me I am following some trend. Otherwise it might add when the price has dropped and is on its way up again (which is a different kind of strategy). The only expert I know that has this function is FX Multimeter IV.

Re: Equity Logic?

Next lot I want to add is again when the price hit upper BollingerBand, but only if equity is greater than balance.

Simply use the "Winner" option for next same-directional signal.

Re: Equity Logic?

Thank you Mr. Popov. Sorry for my ignorance. Thank you and also Blaiserboy for help!