Topic: VPS with intermitent connection

I have installed FST in a VPS with MT4. However the connection seems not to be working that well since from time to time MT4 reports "FST disconnected". My question: presuming that the connection works like 95% of the time, could this have a negative impact? For example, if a signal is sent while the system is disconnected, would I miss the trade (or the close of the trade), or would it be triggered once the connection is up again?

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

It sounds like your VPS server is not powerful enough. You could indeed miss trades or fail to close trades if FST is not connected to MT4.

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

re: intermittent connection-disconnection of FST-EA connected to a chart --- Have noticed it only happens when there is an open trade for that EA on that chart on my Win8 PC.  That is, if there is no open trade for a FST-EA attached to a chart, same MT4 platform, there is no flickering for that chart.  If there is an open trade, I get flickering -- for MT4 FXCM and for Alpari -- for that EA attached to that chart with an open trade BUT not for an FST-EA attached to another chart, same platform,  that doesn't have an open trade.  If both EAs have open trades, then Both have connection-disconnection flickers.  If neither have open trades, then neither flickers.  Haven't noticed this flicker on my Win7 PC for either Alpari or FXCM platforms.

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

Jgp, can you see if the flickering happens with FSB Pro. It uses same expert and dll.

5 (edited by jgp 2013-07-04 13:54:43)

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

am using FSTv1.6.0.0 on Win7 PC and FSTv3.0.0 on Win8 PC but same  FSBv2.77.4 strategies. Maybe that's the difference.  Haven't downloaded or installed any Pro software.  will try this weekend.  still believe newer versions of FSB do weird Sharpe ratio generations for RossHookLedge et al.  by the way nothing including FSB or FST, installs or runs unless I specially install/run them as "Administrator" on Win8 PC.  As I've reported before, Win8 sucks.

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

Use this tool and check connections. Yuo have to see only IDs you currently use. I  experienced similar problem and found out MT4 working on background and keeping open connections I currently use. These connections intercept signals from MT4 / FST and programs cannot see each other. This can perfectly explain flickering connect/disconnect.
Better stop everything and check connections. It must not be any. Start adding FST / MT4 IDs one by one and refresh the tool screen. It must be two connections for every ID - MT4-FST and FST-MT4.

7 (edited by jgp 2013-07-04 17:41:11)

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

But I do have 3 MT4 platforms running -- Alpari US, Alpari UK, FXCM -- each displayed on its own screen, each with two FSTs [all with different IDs] running on the Win8 PC.  the Win8 Task Manager shows just 3 MT4s and 6 FSTs running.  On the Win7 PC I have 2 MT4 platforms -- AlpariUS and AlpariUK -- each displayed on its own screen, each with two FSTs [each with different IDs] running.  Win7 Task Manager shows just 2 MT4s running, each with two FSTs [all with different IDs] running.  Summary, problems with Win8, no problems with Win7.  So I run Alpari[Live] with MT4-FST Expert successfully on Win7 PC from time to time, but am afraid to run Alpari[Live] on Win8 PC.  Suspect the MT4-FST EA needs to, but doesn't know how to communicate with Win8 as the "administrator".  this weekend I'll try replacing the newer FST version on Win8 with the older FST version on Win7.

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

Popov, I'll test the tool you indicated. Meanwhile I think the connect/disconnect could also be due to limited system resources no? I am using a VPS with only around 600 Mb of memory. I can imagine that with the custom indicators each instance of FST needs a lot of resources no? Can you give any advice on the memory requirements of each instance with custom indicators?

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

I still have the same problem of connecting/disconnecting between FST and MT4. It happens in my PC and in my VPN, whose memory I just increased. So it's not related to computing power. Also the connection tool shows me only two connections, and there are no other hidden processes in the task messenger.
What could it be?

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

Is it happens with FSB Pro?

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

I'm not using it yet since it's in alpha stage, but perhaps I'll change after vacations in September. I can imagine that after a stable Pro is available FSB/FST will become a second priority, which makes sense for me.

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

nquental wrote:

I still have the same problem of connecting/disconnecting between FST and MT4. It happens in my PC and in my VPN, whose memory I just increased. So it's not related to computing power. Also the connection tool shows me only two connections, and there are no other hidden processes in the task messenger.
What could it be?

I have the same thing happening with mine on a 1.30Ghz processor. To overcome the problem I minimize FST and there are no connects/disconnects. I think it is due to the overhead of processing the FST graphics, hence the reason the problem disappears when it is minimised.

Re: VPS with intermitent connection

Thanks, that seems to be the case, specially when in FST I choose something else than "chart".