Topic: New Indicator: Ehlers Filter

Hi All,

Attached is the Ehlers Filter by John Ehlers. Please somebody add the description regarding this indicators.

Denny Imanuel

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Ehlers Filter.cs 16.71 kb, 124 downloads since 2010-03-02 

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Re: New Indicator: Ehlers Filter

For more information about Ehlers Filter.

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Ehlers (Filters).pdf 212.3 kb, 86 downloads since 2010-03-02 

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3 (edited by Squalou 2013-06-08 17:45:51)

Re: New Indicator: Ehlers Filter

-- Ehlers Filter compatible with new indi code structure, and small fix --


this is my first contribution to this fantastic FSB tool !

I recently installed the latest beta v2.98.3RC, and it now uses the newer indic code structure.
The Ehlers Filter indi posted here is not compatible with this new structure anymore, so i decided to go migrate it, so it would be a good way for me to smoothly go deeper into FSB and its coding logic.

Here is the migrated indi.
I also "fixed" the "Shift" parameter, which was not taken into account.
It now works as expected.


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Ehlers Filter.cs 16.99 kb, 11 downloads since 2013-06-08 

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Re: New Indicator: Ehlers Filter

Hello Squalou,
Nice work!
But it seams I've converted it recently. Ehlers Filter
However I haven't check the code.
Please compare both variants. We'll update it in the repo than.

Re: New Indicator: Ehlers Filter

Squalou wrote:

-- Ehlers Filter compatible with new indi code structure, and small fix --


this is my first contribution to this fantastic FSB tool !

I recently installed the latest beta v2.98.3RC, and it now uses the newer indic code structure.
The Ehlers Filter indi posted here is not compatible with this new structure anymore, so i decided to go migrate it, so it would be a good way for me to smoothly go deeper into FSB and its coding logic.

Here is the migrated indi.
I also "fixed" the "Shift" parameter, which was not taken into account.
It now works as expected.


Hey Squalou,

Thanks for this contribution! I'm extremely glad to see you here reinforcing the coder's front big_smile

Re: New Indicator: Ehlers Filter

Thanks for the link to the repository, somehow i missed it...

I compared the 2 codes.
They are almost identical, so i guess i did not screw things up smile

"my" version has the "Shift" parameter fixed (just 2 lines changed actually), so i guess it would be good to update the repository.

Thanks guys;
I am becoming addicted to this fantastic tool...
I guess the next major step will be to install the full C# SDK and start studying the FSB code from the inside...
I already have a few ideas for possible improvements for you that i will share some time soon.

Great to have found such a wonderful dev team and a fabulous search tool offered to the community !

You guys ROCK!
