Topic: Forex Strategy Builder v2.65 Beta

Download link [removed].

Hello dear friends,

I rewrote entirely the data parsing model of FSB. Now it can determine better the date formats of files. Supported formats are yyyy-MM-dd, dd-MM-yyyy, MM-dd-yyyy. Te year can be yy. The separator can be '-', '.', or '/'.
It also recognizes data files with prices without a decimal separator.

I also fixed the issue reported be ahmedalhoseny When link all slots equal to lock all slots.... Now the Generator checks if the linked slots have any changeable parameters.

The crash when we use 12 slots was fixed. Reported by Itai Error with Opening Logic Condition.

The link of the "New Versions" button was redirected to the download page.


This version is marked Beta because the new data parsing model.
Please report any issues you may encounter.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.65 Beta

Hello, this program is very cool.  I've just downloaded it and "played" with it out of amusement and have gotten some interesting results.  Very great job with making this program, it's a great asset for serious traders who want to develop a long-term strategy...and be able to test it without losing everything!

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.65 Beta

Testing it now!

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.65 Beta

dear popov
i trade using fxcm data  and when i extract the data from there platform it come like that ;

<Date>, <Time>, <Open>, <High>, <Low>, <Close>, <Volume>
11/28/2001,12:00:00 AM,1.41670,1.41700,1.41590,1.41610,0
11/28/2001,1:00:00 AM,1.41610,1.41810,1.41580,1.41750,0
11/28/2001,2:00:00 AM,1.41750,1.41860,1.41670,1.41790,0
11/28/2001,3:00:00 AM,1.41790,1.41850,1.41600,1.41680,0
11/28/2001,4:00:00 AM,1.41680,1.41770,1.41580,1.41610,0
11/28/2001,5:00:00 AM,1.41610,1.41760,1.41540,1.41600,0
11/28/2001,6:00:00 AM,1.41600,1.41670,1.41500,1.41570,0
11/28/2001,7:00:00 AM,1.41570,1.41660,1.41560,1.41610,0
11/28/2001,8:00:00 AM,1.41610,1.41820,1.41540,1.41760,0
11/28/2001,9:00:00 AM,1.41760,1.42340,1.41730,1.42230,0
11/28/2001,10:00:00 AM,1.42230,1.42420,1.42040,1.42310,0
11/28/2001,11:00:00 AM,1.42310,1.42460,1.42310,1.42360,0
11/28/2001,12:00:00 PM,1.42360,1.42430,1.42320,1.42430,0

is that formate applicable with FSB !!!!


Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.65 Beta

FSB cannot load this data due to 12 h format of the time. It should be hh:mm:ss or hh:mm without AM and PM.

Please try to change the localization settings of your windows in order to use 24h time format. I hope FXCM will export data properly than.
I'll fix this in next FSB.

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.65 Beta

Thanks popov
i changed windows settings for time and date , when i made the change i found interesting results ( i could extract fxcm data in the same formate like MT4 data formate )
i wish this help people whom trade with fxcm and need a huge historical data to test

i attached pictures show steps of changing the time and date setup


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Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.65 Beta

Does anyone know when will be released the next version? I'm interested about the martingale function ....

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.65 Beta

Is the project dead?
Attachment bug on forum is still not fixed from couple of months now.
What happened?

Re: Forex Strategy Builder v2.65 Beta

acerguest wrote:


Attachment bug on forum is still not fixed from couple of months now.
What happened?

To my understanding he is in charge of the forum soft - He should be able to answer questions like yours, I hope smile