1 (edited by jetaro 2017-01-21 16:15:22)

Topic: my experience with the demo

I have played with the demo now for several days and I'm quite impressed with the software but I have a few doubts.

I notice that it will save generated strategies into the collection even if the OOS fails.

It's disappointing to come back after a few hours, see all those beautiful charts in the repository, only to click it and watch the profit line drop like a rock when you load it and it shows the OOS results.  Is there a way to have it only save the system if it passes the OOS testing?

I'm concerned that there are 2 different files for the indicators.  It is my understanding that the software uses the .cs within FSB to find the strategies, but then uses the .mqh for the exported EA.  The problem with this is it's possible that the code in the .mqh has bugs or doesn't work the same as the .cs.   I think this might be why sometimes when I backtest in MT5 the results don't match what FSB shows.  Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.  Either way I think having 2 separate codes can cause problems.  I think there needs to be a way for the software to generate the .mqh from the .cs somehow.  For example there is a new indicator called pivot points multi.   I came up with a winning strategy in FSB, but then when I tried to export it to .mq5 it said the indicator was missing.  That was confusing because how can it be missing if it used it already.  But i realized that meant there wasn't a matching .mqh.   What is the point of putting a new .cs indicator without the .mqh?

I realize if you export the systems but forgot to save the .xml you can never load that back into FSB ever again, at least that's how it appears.  This also is not good.

I think the fact that this software uses .xml, .cs and .mqh is very confusing and causes too many problems.  Or if it must be this way, include a tool that can generate the needed files.  For example generate the .mqh from the .cs (and vice versa), generate the .xml from the .mq5 etc.

Lastly, do the generated EAs have to be so huge? they take forever to backtest within MT5 itself.  It would be nice not to have to do that, but as I said earlier, sometimes when I backtest in MT5 a profitable system in FSB can tank and lose badly in backtesting in MT5 which can be dangerous.  The exported .mq5 is thousands of lines of code, is all that really necessary?

I am new so maybe I am misunderstanding, but this is how it seems to be.  Quite often developers focus so much on the technical aspects of the software that they forget the user experience part which is very important, because that's the part that gets people to buy your software.  You could have the most technically advanced software in the world, but if the users find it too frustrating to work with it will not sell as good as it should.  I have worked in the software industry at a gaming company and at microsoft so I know what I'm talking about.

I believe it should just all be in .mqh and things would be much simpler. 

Thanks for your time.


Re: my experience with the demo

There is a 'wish list' for entering your requests.

I have been using this software for quite a while and find that it does the job very well.

Of course when you are new to a situation you will want to change things to suit your thinking, however this software has evolved over several years and has been successful so far.

Personally, I have had no need to experiment with cs and mqh...... probably because my interest is in generating strategies, not in programming.

Unless you are writing indicators there should actually not be a requirement to do much with the files. There are instructions in the Developer section that will teach how to convert and prepare files.

You will find that FSBPro backtesting is far superior and far quicker than MT5, there is no reason to be backtesting with MT5. The reason that the files are so large is due to the accuracy that the developer has placed in the program.

I have faced the similar problem........ trying to use both.. and found after a lot of experience that MT5 is not necessary.

While the OOS situation may seem awkward today, you will find that you can use those charts to develop additional strategies which with slight improvements will add to your strategy collection.

We users do not have to worry about marketing the software, the developer has a successful marketing plan, all we have to do is create strategies and let him know about the odd bug that may appear.

Today, you are quite new to the software and have no idea as to how to use all of the features..... use it a lot, try different things, do not worry about the internals this software can make a lot of money for you, once you have mastered it.

Experience with the software will allow you to learn to use it more efficiently, it is not something that you will master in a month.

Good Luck.

Re: my experience with the demo

Hello Jet,

Thank you for testing FSB Pro and sending us your opinion!

I notice that it will save generated strategies into the collection even if the OOS fails.

FSB Pro performs "real" out of sample. It literally cuts off the OOS section of the data and works on the "training" data only. Knowing that, you understand that it is not possible to calculate the full data stats.

We can take an advantage of this behavior easily:

1. Save the generated strategies to a temporary collection. Let's name it "Coll 1 EURUSD H1 OOS". The Generator will collect the generated strategies there:


2. Recalculate the "OOS" collection against all data by using the Repository -> Multi Tester tool.
   - Select "Coll 1 EURUSD H1 OOS" for the strategy source.
   - Set a collection name for the output strategies: "Coll 1 EURUSD H1 Full"
   - Run the Multi Tester.


3. Now you have two collections: One with the OOS tests and one with the full data tests:


Re: my experience with the demo

I'm concerned that there are 2 different files for the indicators.

Yes, you are right. We have indicators written in C# fro FSB Pro and indicators written in MQL for MT. There is no other way.
You may find this embarrassing, but do you know what is worse than that? The beloved MetaTrader has two sets of indicators for its two current versions. An they are different !?!?!?!

We do our best to provide speed, accuracy and user friendly interface for FSB and a matching results with MT.
The program comes with about 100 indicators that have well tested MT versions. We do not expect any problems with that. If you have concern's about some of the indicators, please post a report and we will examine the case.

You have to be a little more careful with the custom indicators. It is true that not all of them has a matching MQL versions, however you can easily filter out them by keeping "EA Support" option on.


If you still want to use all available C# indicators, you can trade via our MT4 bridge directly to MT:


Re: my experience with the demo

I realize if you export the systems but forgot to save the .xml you can never load that back into FSB ever again, at least that's how it appears.  This also is not good.

You will be surprised to know that you can drag your exported EA over FSB Pro and the program will recover the initial strategy.

Of course, you can always use the import EA option also:


Re: my experience with the demo

Lastly, do the generated EAs have to be so huge? they take forever to backtest within MT5 itself.  It would be nice not to have to do that, but as I said earlier, sometimes when I backtest in MT5 a profitable system in FSB can tank and lose badly in backtesting in MT5 which can be dangerous.  The exported .mq5 is thousands of lines of code, is all that really necessary?

All code you see in the EA has two purposes:
1. To provide matching trading experience with the FSB Pro tests
2. To protect the traders from the dirty tricks the broker and MT play.

As always we provide an alternative: Use the online EA Studio
  - it uses the standard MT indicators
- it has very short EA code

7 (edited by jetaro 2017-01-21 17:28:01)

Re: my experience with the demo

wow I must say I'm impressed by how quickly you have responded and seems you had a solution for everything smile
It is extremely important that the EA matches the strategy in FSB, otherwise what you see in FSB is meaningless.
I will definitely make sure to click the EA support option.  I guess that wasn't very obvious to me what that does smile
Thank you for your suggestions Dr Popov I will give it a try! And thank you as well Blaiserboy.

P.S. does the bridge only work with MT4 or does it also work with MT5? Since i changed to MT5 I can't go back to MT4 smile

Re: my experience with the demo

Quite often developers focus so much on the technical aspects of the software that they forget the user experience part which is very important,

We perfectly understand that. Just compare the FSB Pro user interface for creating strategies with the corresponding MT interface for the same task:

Which one is too "technical"?

Re: my experience with the demo

Popov wrote:

Quite often developers focus so much on the technical aspects of the software that they forget the user experience part which is very important,

We perfectly understand that. Just compare the FSB Pro user interface for creating strategies with the corresponding MT interface for the same task:

Which one is too "technical"?

Point taken smile

Re: my experience with the demo

By the way, I have to say this is the best software I've seen for this.  The others do not even come close smile I tried all the ones I could find on the internet and this is the best and that's why I'm here talking to you.  The others I didn't even bother smile Do you ever have any discounts or some sort of subscription service?

Re: my experience with the demo

Do you ever have any discounts or some sort of subscription service?

You are asking in the right moment. We have a considerable discounts for our tools until the end of the month. Please check the Purchasing page.

We provide subscriptions for our online tools.