Better Bollinger bands by footon

44323 downloads / 5537 views / Created: 24.05.2013
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Indicator Description

Better Bollinger bands

Forum link: Footon's indi corner


I'm getting these error when starting FSB after adding this indicator to the custom indicator directory:

Custom Indicators
File name: Better Bollinger bands.cs
ERROR: Indicator compilation failed in file [Better Bollinger bands.cs]
Line 13 Column 28: The type or namespace name 'Infrastructure' does not exist in the namespace 'ForexStrategyBuilder' (are you missing an assembly reference?).
Line 14 Column 28: The type or namespace name 'Infrastructure' does not exist in the namespace 'ForexStrategyBuilder' (are you missing an assembly reference?).
Line 15 Column 28: The type or namespace name 'Infrastructure' does not exist in the namespace 'ForexStrategyBuilder' (are you missing an assembly reference?).
Line 19 Column 41: The type or namespace name 'Indicator' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?).
Line 31 Column 41: The type or namespace name 'SlotTypes' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?).
Line 121 Column 40: The type or namespace name 'IDataSet' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?).

Footon has given an answer to this here:
Doesn't work in Pro.
Is is possible to post the mql code?
hello dear
Please add the following indicator
Chande kroll stop in Forex Strategy Builder
//============================================================== // Forex Strategy Builder // Copyright (c) Miroslav Popov. All rights reserved. //============================================================== // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. //============================================================== using System; using System.Drawing; using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Entities; using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Enums; using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Interfaces; namespace ForexStrategyBuilder.Indicators.Store { public class BetterBollingerBands : Indicator { public BetterBollingerBands() { IndicatorName = "Better Bollinger Bands"; PossibleSlots = SlotTypes.Open | SlotTypes.OpenFilter | SlotTypes.Close | SlotTypes.CloseFilter; IndicatorAuthor = "Footon"; IndicatorVersion = "2.0"; IndicatorDescription = "Footon's indi corner: custom indicators for FSB and FST."; } public override void Initialize(SlotTypes slotType) { SlotType = slotType; // The ComboBox parameters IndParam.ListParam[0].Caption = "Logic"; if (SlotType == SlotTypes.Open) IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList = new string[] { "Enter long at the Upper Band", "Enter long at the Lower Band" }; else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter) IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList = new string[] { "The bar opens below the Upper Band", "The bar opens above the Upper Band", "The bar opens below the Lower Band", "The bar opens above the Lower Band", "The position opens below the Upper Band", "The position opens above the Upper Band", "The position opens below the Lower Band", "The position opens above the Lower Band", "The bar opens below the Upper Band after opening above it", "The bar opens above the Upper Band after opening below it", "The bar opens below the Lower Band after opening above it", "The bar opens above the Lower Band after opening below it" }; else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.Close) IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList = new string[] { "Exit long at the Upper Band", "Exit long at the Lower Band" }; else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter) IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList = new string[] { "The bar closes below the Upper Band", "The bar closes above the Upper Band", "The bar closes below the Lower Band", "The bar closes above the Lower Band" }; else IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList = new string[] { "Not Defined" }; IndParam.ListParam[0].Index = 0; IndParam.ListParam[0].Text = IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[0].Index]; IndParam.ListParam[0].Enabled = true; IndParam.ListParam[0].ToolTip = "Logic of application of the indicator."; IndParam.ListParam[1].Caption = "Smoothing method"; IndParam.ListParam[1].ItemList = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MAMethod)); IndParam.ListParam[1].Index = (int)MAMethod.Simple; IndParam.ListParam[1].Text = IndParam.ListParam[1].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[1].Index]; IndParam.ListParam[1].Enabled = true; IndParam.ListParam[1].ToolTip = "The method of smoothing of central Moving Average."; IndParam.ListParam[2].Caption = "Base price"; IndParam.ListParam[2].ItemList = Enum.GetNames(typeof(BasePrice)); IndParam.ListParam[2].Index = (int)BasePrice.Close; IndParam.ListParam[2].Text = IndParam.ListParam[2].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[2].Index]; IndParam.ListParam[2].Enabled = true; IndParam.ListParam[2].ToolTip = "The price the central Moving Average is based on."; // The NumericUpDown parameters IndParam.NumParam[0].Caption = "Period"; IndParam.NumParam[0].Value = 20; IndParam.NumParam[0].Min = 2; IndParam.NumParam[0].Max = 200; IndParam.NumParam[0].Enabled = true; IndParam.NumParam[0].ToolTip = "The central Moving Average period."; IndParam.NumParam[1].Caption = "Multiplier"; IndParam.NumParam[1].Value = 2; IndParam.NumParam[1].Min = 1; IndParam.NumParam[1].Max = 5; IndParam.NumParam[1].Point = 2; IndParam.NumParam[1].Enabled = true; IndParam.NumParam[1].ToolTip = "Determines the width of Bollinger Bands."; // The CheckBox parameters IndParam.CheckParam[0].Caption = "Use previous bar value"; IndParam.CheckParam[0].Enabled = true; IndParam.CheckParam[0].ToolTip = "Use the indicator value from the previous bar."; return; } public override void Calculate(IDataSet dataSet) { DataSet = dataSet; // Reading the parameters MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[1].Index; BasePrice price = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index; int BandsLength = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value; double dMpl = IndParam.NumParam[1].Value; int iPrvs = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0; // Calculation double[] adPrice = Price(price); double[] MaBuffer = new double[Bars]; double[] adUpBand = new double[Bars]; double[] adDnBand = new double[Bars]; double[,] tBuffer = new double[Bars,4]; //double[] j2lg = new double[Bars]; int iFirstBar = 2+iPrvs; int iMt1 = 0; int iMt2 = 1; int iUt1 = 2; int iUt2 = 3; double alpha = 2.0/(BandsLength+1.0); for (int iBar = 2, r=iBar-1; iBar < Bars; iBar++, r++) { tBuffer[r,iMt1] = tBuffer[r-1,iMt1] + alpha*(adPrice[iBar] -tBuffer[r-1,iMt1]); tBuffer[r,iUt1] = tBuffer[r-1,iUt1] + alpha*(tBuffer[r,iMt1]-tBuffer[r-1,iUt1]); double dt = ((2-alpha)*tBuffer[r,iMt1]-tBuffer[r,iUt1])/(1-alpha); tBuffer[r,iMt2] = tBuffer[r-1,iMt2] + alpha*(Math.Abs(adPrice[iBar]-dt)-tBuffer[r-1,iMt2]); tBuffer[r,iUt2] = tBuffer[r-1,iUt2] + alpha*(tBuffer[r,iMt2] -tBuffer[r-1,iUt2]); double dt2 = ((2-alpha)*tBuffer[r,iMt2]-tBuffer[r,iUt2])/(1-alpha); adUpBand[iBar] = dt+dMpl*dt2; adDnBand[iBar] = dt-dMpl*dt2; MaBuffer[iBar] = dt; } // Saving the components Component = new IndicatorComp[5]; Component[0] = new IndicatorComp(); Component[0].CompName = "Upper Band"; Component[0].DataType = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue; Component[0].ChartType = IndChartType.Line; Component[0].ChartColor = Color.Blue; Component[0].FirstBar = iFirstBar; Component[0].Value = adUpBand; Component[1] = new IndicatorComp(); Component[1].CompName = "Moving Average"; Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue; Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.Line; Component[1].ChartColor = Color.Gold; Component[1].FirstBar = iFirstBar; Component[1].Value = MaBuffer; Component[2] = new IndicatorComp(); Component[2].CompName = "Lower Band"; Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue; Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.Line; Component[2].ChartColor = Color.Blue; Component[2].FirstBar = iFirstBar; Component[2].Value = adDnBand; Component[3] = new IndicatorComp(); Component[3].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart; Component[3].FirstBar = iFirstBar; Component[3].Value = new double[Bars]; Component[4] = new IndicatorComp(); Component[4].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart; Component[4].FirstBar = iFirstBar; Component[4].Value = new double[Bars]; // Sets the Component's type. if (SlotType == SlotTypes.Open) { Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.OpenLongPrice; Component[3].CompName = "Long position entry price"; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.OpenShortPrice; Component[4].CompName = "Short position entry price"; } else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter) { Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong; Component[3].CompName = "Is long entry allowed"; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort; Component[4].CompName = "Is short entry allowed"; } else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.Close) { Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.CloseLongPrice; Component[3].CompName = "Long position closing price"; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.CloseShortPrice; Component[4].CompName = "Short position closing price"; } else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter) { Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong; Component[3].CompName = "Close out long position"; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort; Component[4].CompName = "Close out short position"; } if (SlotType == SlotTypes.Open || SlotType == SlotTypes.Close) { if (BandsLength > 1) { for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++) { // Covers the cases when the price can pass through the band without a signal. double dOpen = Open[iBar]; // Current open price // Upper band double dValueUp = adUpBand[iBar - iPrvs]; // Current value double dValueUp1 = adUpBand[iBar - iPrvs - 1]; // Previous value double dTempValUp = dValueUp; if ((dValueUp1 > High[iBar - 1] && dValueUp < dOpen) || // The Open price jumps above the indicator (dValueUp1 < Low[iBar - 1] && dValueUp > dOpen) || // The Open price jumps below the indicator (Close[iBar - 1] < dValueUp && dValueUp < dOpen) || // The Open price is in a positive gap (Close[iBar - 1] > dValueUp && dValueUp > dOpen)) // The Open price is in a negative gap dTempValUp = dOpen; // The entry/exit level is moved to Open price // Lower band double dValueDown = adDnBand[iBar - iPrvs]; // Current value double dValueDown1 = adDnBand[iBar - iPrvs - 1]; // Previous value double dTempValDown = dValueDown; if ((dValueDown1 > High[iBar - 1] && dValueDown < dOpen) || // The Open price jumps above the indicator (dValueDown1 < Low[iBar - 1] && dValueDown > dOpen) || // The Open price jumps below the indicator (Close[iBar - 1] < dValueDown && dValueDown < dOpen) || // The Open price is in a positive gap (Close[iBar - 1] > dValueDown && dValueDown > dOpen)) // The Open price is in a negative gap dTempValDown = dOpen; // The entry/exit level is moved to Open price if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Enter long at the Upper Band" || IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Exit long at the Upper Band") { Component[3].Value[iBar] = dTempValUp; Component[4].Value[iBar] = dTempValDown; } else { Component[3].Value[iBar] = dTempValDown; Component[4].Value[iBar] = dTempValUp; } } } else { for (int iBar = 2; iBar < Bars; iBar++) { if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Enter long at the Upper Band" || IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Exit long at the Upper Band") { Component[3].Value[iBar] = adUpBand[iBar - iPrvs]; Component[4].Value[iBar] = adDnBand[iBar - iPrvs]; } else { Component[3].Value[iBar] = adDnBand[iBar - iPrvs]; Component[4].Value[iBar] = adUpBand[iBar - iPrvs]; } } } } else { switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text) { case "The bar opens below the Upper Band": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_below_the_Upper_Band); break; case "The bar opens above the Upper Band": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_above_the_Upper_Band); break; case "The bar opens below the Lower Band": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_below_the_Lower_Band); break; case "The bar opens above the Lower Band": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_above_the_Lower_Band); break; case "The bar opens below the Upper Band after opening above it": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_below_the_Upper_Band_after_opening_above_it); break; case "The bar opens above the Upper Band after opening below it": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_above_the_Upper_Band_after_opening_below_it); break; case "The bar opens below the Lower Band after opening above it": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_below_the_Lower_Band_after_opening_above_it); break; case "The bar opens above the Lower Band after opening below it": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_opens_above_the_Lower_Band_after_opening_below_it); break; case "The position opens above the Upper Band": Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceBuyHigher; Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceSellLower; Component[0].UsePreviousBar = iPrvs; Component[2].UsePreviousBar = iPrvs; Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.Other; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.Other; Component[3].ShowInDynInfo = false; Component[4].ShowInDynInfo = false; break; case "The position opens below the Upper Band": Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceBuyLower; Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceSellHigher; Component[0].UsePreviousBar = iPrvs; Component[2].UsePreviousBar = iPrvs; Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.Other; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.Other; Component[3].ShowInDynInfo = false; Component[4].ShowInDynInfo = false; break; case "The position opens above the Lower Band": Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceSellLower; Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceBuyHigher; Component[0].UsePreviousBar = iPrvs; Component[2].UsePreviousBar = iPrvs; Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.Other; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.Other; Component[3].ShowInDynInfo = false; Component[4].ShowInDynInfo = false; break; case "The position opens below the Lower Band": Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceSellHigher; Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence.PriceBuyLower; Component[0].UsePreviousBar = iPrvs; Component[2].UsePreviousBar = iPrvs; Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.Other; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType.Other; Component[3].ShowInDynInfo = false; Component[4].ShowInDynInfo = false; break; case "The bar closes below the Upper Band": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_closes_below_the_Upper_Band); break; case "The bar closes above the Upper Band": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_closes_above_the_Upper_Band); break; case "The bar closes below the Lower Band": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_closes_below_the_Lower_Band); break; case "The bar closes above the Lower Band": BandIndicatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adUpBand, adDnBand, ref Component[3], ref Component[4], BandIndLogic.The_bar_closes_above_the_Lower_Band); break; default: break; } } return; } /// /// Sets the indicator logic description /// public override void SetDescription() { switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text) { case "Enter long at the Upper Band": EntryPointLongDescription = "at the Upper Band of " + ToString(); EntryPointShortDescription = "at the Lower Band of " + ToString(); break; case "Enter long at the Lower Band": EntryPointLongDescription = "at the Lower Band of " + ToString(); EntryPointShortDescription = "at the Upper Band of " + ToString(); break; case "Exit long at the Upper Band": ExitPointLongDescription = "at the Upper Band of " + ToString(); ExitPointShortDescription = "at the Lower Band of " + ToString(); break; case "Exit long at the Lower Band": ExitPointLongDescription = "at the Lower Band of " + ToString(); ExitPointShortDescription = "at the Upper Band of " + ToString(); break; case "The bar opens below the Upper Band": EntryFilterLongDescription = "the bar opens below the Upper Band of " + ToString(); EntryFilterShortDescription = "the bar opens above the Lower Band of " + ToString(); break; case "The bar opens above the Upper Band": EntryFilterLongDescription = "the bar opens above the Upper Band of " + ToString(); EntryFilterShortDescription = "the bar opens below the Lower Band of " + ToString(); break; case "The bar opens below the Lower Band": EntryFilterLongDescription = "the bar opens below the Lower Band of " + ToString(); EntryFilterShortDescription = "the bar opens above the Upper Band of " + ToString(); break; case "The bar opens above the Lower Band": EntryFilterLongDescription = "the bar opens above the Lower Band of " + ToString(); EntryFilterShortDescription = "the bar opens below the Upper Band of " + ToString(); break; case "The bar opens below the Upper Band after opening above it": EntryFilterLongDescription = "the bar opens below the Upper Band of " + ToString() + " after the previous bar has opened above it"; EntryFilterShortDescription = "the bar opens above the Lower Band of " + ToString() + " after the previous bar has opened below it"; break; case "The bar opens above the Upper Band after opening below it": EntryFilterLongDescription = "the bar opens above the Upper Band of " + ToString() + " after the previous bar has opened below it"; EntryFilterShortDescription = "the bar opens below the Lower Band of " + ToString() + " after the previous bar has opened above it"; break; case "The bar opens below the Lower Band after opening above it": EntryFilterLongDescription = "the bar opens below the Lower Band of " + ToString() + " after the previous bar has opened above it"; EntryFilterShortDescription = "the bar opens above the Upper Band of " + ToString() + " after the previous bar has opened below it"; break; case "The bar opens above the Lower Band after opening below it": EntryFilterLongDescription = "the bar opens above the Lower Band of " + ToString() + " after the previous bar has opened below it"; EntryFilterShortDescription = "the bar opens below the Upper Band of " + ToString() + " after the previous bar has opened above it"; break; case "The bar closes below the Upper Band": ExitFilterLongDescription = "the bar closes below the Upper Band of " + ToString(); ExitFilterShortDescription = "the bar closes above the Lower Band of " + ToString(); break; case "The bar closes above the Upper Band": ExitFilterLongDescription = "the bar closes above the Upper Band of " + ToString(); ExitFilterShortDescription = "the bar closes below the Lower Band of " + ToString(); break; case "The bar closes below the Lower Band": ExitFilterLongDescription = "the bar closes below the Lower Band of " + ToString(); ExitFilterShortDescription = "the bar closes above the Upper Band of " + ToString(); break; case "The bar closes above the Lower Band": ExitFilterLongDescription = "the bar closes above the Lower Band of " + ToString(); ExitFilterShortDescription = "the bar closes below the Upper Band of " + ToString(); break; default: break; } return; } /// /// Indicator to string /// public override string ToString() { string sString = IndicatorName + (IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? "* (" : " (") + IndParam.ListParam[1].Text + ", " + // Method IndParam.ListParam[2].Text + ", " + // Price IndParam.NumParam[0].ValueToString + ", " + // MA period IndParam.NumParam[1].ValueToString + ")"; // Multiplier return sString; } } }
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Copyright: (C) 2016 Forex Software Ltd. | //| Website: | //| Support: | //| License: Proprietary under the following circumstances: | //| | //| This code is a part of Forex Strategy Builder. It is free for | //| use as an integral part of Forex Strategy Builder. | //| One can modify it in order to improve the code or to fit it for | //| personal use. This code or any part of it cannot be used in | //| other applications without a permission. | //| The contact information cannot be changed. | //| | //| NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES | //| | //| In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever | //| (including, without limitation, incidental, direct, indirect and | //| consequential damages, damages for loss of business profits, | //| business interruption, loss of business information, or other | //| pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this | //| product, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. | //+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright (C) 2016 Forex Software Ltd." #property link "" #property version "2.00" #property strict #include <> #include <> //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class BetterBollingerBands : public Indicator { public: BetterBollingerBands(SlotTypes slotType) { SlotType=slotType; IndicatorName="Better Bollinger Bands"; WarningMessage = ""; IsAllowLTF = true; ExecTime = ExecutionTime_DuringTheBar; IsSeparateChart = false; IsDiscreteValues = false; IsDefaultGroupAll = false; } virtual void Calculate(DataSet &dataSet); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void BetterBollingerBands::Calculate(DataSet &dataSet) { Data=GetPointer(dataSet); MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod) ListParam[1].Index; BasePrice price = (BasePrice) ListParam[2].Index; int BandsLength = (int) NumParam[0].Value; double dMpl = NumParam[1].Value; int previous=CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0; double adPrice[]; Price(price,adPrice); double MaBuffer[]; ArrayResize(MaBuffer,Data.Bars); ArrayInitialize(MaBuffer,0); double adUpBand[]; ArrayResize(adUpBand,Data.Bars); ArrayInitialize(adUpBand,0); double adDnBand[]; ArrayResize(adDnBand,Data.Bars); ArrayInitialize(adDnBand,0); double tBuffer[][4]; ArrayResize(tBuffer,Data.Bars); ArrayInitialize(tBuffer,0); int firstBar= 2+previous; int iMt1 = 0; int iMt2 = 1; int iUt1 = 2; int iUt2 = 3; double alpha = 2.0/(BandsLength+1.0); int k = (int)Data.Bars; for (int iBar = 3, r=iBar-1; iBar < Data.Bars; iBar++, r++) { tBuffer[r,iMt1] = tBuffer[r-1,iMt1] + alpha*(adPrice[iBar] -tBuffer[r-1,iMt1]); tBuffer[r,iUt1] = tBuffer[r-1,iUt1] + alpha*(tBuffer[r,iMt1]-tBuffer[r-1,iUt1]); double dt = ((2-alpha)*tBuffer[r,iMt1]-tBuffer[r,iUt1])/(1-alpha); tBuffer[r,iMt2] = tBuffer[r-1,iMt2] + alpha*(MathAbs(adPrice[iBar]-dt)-tBuffer[r-1,iMt2]); tBuffer[r,iUt2] = tBuffer[r-1,iUt2] + alpha*(tBuffer[r,iMt2] -tBuffer[r-1,iUt2]); double dt2 = ((2-alpha)*tBuffer[r,iMt2]-tBuffer[r,iUt2])/(1-alpha); adUpBand[iBar] = dt+dMpl*dt2; adDnBand[iBar] = dt-dMpl*dt2; MaBuffer[iBar] = dt; } ArrayResize(Component[0].Value,Data.Bars); Component[0].CompName = "Upper Band"; Component[0].DataType = IndComponentType_IndicatorValue; Component[0].FirstBar = firstBar; ArrayCopy(Component[0].Value,adUpBand); ArrayResize(Component[1].Value,Data.Bars); Component[1].CompName = "Moving Average"; Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType_IndicatorValue; Component[1].FirstBar = firstBar; ArrayCopy(Component[1].Value,MaBuffer); ArrayResize(Component[2].Value,Data.Bars); Component[2].CompName = "Lower Band"; Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType_IndicatorValue; Component[2].FirstBar = firstBar; ArrayCopy(Component[2].Value,adDnBand); ArrayResize(Component[3].Value,Data.Bars); ArrayInitialize(Component[3].Value,0); Component[3].FirstBar=firstBar; ArrayResize(Component[4].Value,Data.Bars); ArrayInitialize(Component[4].Value,0); Component[4].FirstBar=firstBar; if(SlotType==SlotTypes_Open) { Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType_OpenLongPrice; Component[3].CompName = "Long position entry price"; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType_OpenShortPrice; Component[4].CompName = "Short position entry price"; } else if(SlotType==SlotTypes_OpenFilter) { Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType_AllowOpenLong; Component[3].CompName = "Is long entry allowed"; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType_AllowOpenShort; Component[4].CompName = "Is short entry allowed"; } else if(SlotType==SlotTypes_Close) { Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType_CloseLongPrice; Component[3].CompName = "Long position closing price"; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType_CloseShortPrice; Component[4].CompName = "Short position closing price"; } else if(SlotType==SlotTypes_CloseFilter) { Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType_ForceCloseLong; Component[3].CompName = "Close out long position"; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType_ForceCloseShort; Component[4].CompName = "Close out short position"; } if(SlotType==SlotTypes_Open || SlotType==SlotTypes_Close) { if(BandsLength>1) { for(int bar=firstBar; bar<Data.Bars; bar++) { // Covers the cases when the price can pass through the band without a signal. double dOpen=Data.Open[bar]; // Current open price // Upper band double dValueUp=adUpBand[bar-previous]; // Current value double dValueUp1=adUpBand[bar-previous-1]; // Previous value double dTempValUp=dValueUp; if((dValueUp1>Data.High[bar-1] && dValueUp<dOpen) || // The Data.Open price jumps above the indicator (dValueUp1<Data.Low[bar-1] && dValueUp>dOpen) || // The Data.Open price jumps below the indicator (Data.Close[bar-1]<dValueUp && dValueUp<dOpen) || // The Data.Open price is in a positive gap (Data.Close[bar-1]>dValueUp && dValueUp>dOpen)) // The Data.Open price is in a negative gap dTempValUp=dOpen; // The entry/exit level is moved to Data.Open price // Lower band double dValueDown=adDnBand[bar-previous]; // Current value double dValueDown1=adDnBand[bar-previous-1]; // Previous value double dTempValDown=dValueDown; if((dValueDown1>Data.High[bar-1] && dValueDown<dOpen) || // The Data.Open price jumps above the indicator (dValueDown1<Data.Low[bar-1] && dValueDown>dOpen) || // The Data.Open price jumps below the indicator (Data.Close[bar-1]<dValueDown && dValueDown<dOpen) || // The Data.Open price is in a positive gap (Data.Close[bar-1]>dValueDown && dValueDown>dOpen)) // The Data.Open price is in a negative gap dTempValDown=dOpen; // The entry/exit level is moved to Data.Open price if(ListParam[0].Text=="Enter long at the Upper Band" || ListParam[0].Text=="Exit long at the Upper Band") { Component[3].Value[bar] = dTempValUp; Component[4].Value[bar] = dTempValDown; } else { Component[3].Value[bar] = dTempValDown; Component[4].Value[bar] = dTempValUp; } } } else { for(int bar=2; bar<Data.Bars; bar++) { if(ListParam[0].Text=="Enter long at the Upper Band" || ListParam[0].Text=="Exit long at the Upper Band") { Component[3].Value[bar] = adUpBand[bar - previous]; Component[4].Value[bar] = adDnBand[bar - previous]; } else { Component[3].Value[bar] = adDnBand[bar - previous]; Component[4].Value[bar] = adUpBand[bar - previous]; } } } } else { if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar opens below the Upper Band") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_opens_below_the_Upper_Band); else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar opens above the Upper Band") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_opens_above_the_Upper_Band); else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar opens below the Lower Band") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_opens_below_the_Lower_Band); else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar opens above the Lower Band") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_opens_above_the_Lower_Band); else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar opens below the Upper Band after opening above it") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_opens_below_Upper_Band_after_above); else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar opens above the Upper Band after opening below it") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_opens_above_Upper_Band_after_below); else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar opens below the Lower Band after opening above it") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_opens_below_Lower_Band_after_above); else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar opens above the Lower Band after opening below it") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_opens_above_Lower_Band_after_below); else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The position opens above the Upper Band") { Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence_PriceBuyHigher; Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence_PriceSellLower; Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType_Other; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType_Other; Component[3].ShowInDynInfo = false; Component[4].ShowInDynInfo = false; } else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The position opens below the Upper Band") { Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence_PriceBuyLower; Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence_PriceSellHigher; Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType_Other; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType_Other; Component[3].ShowInDynInfo = false; Component[4].ShowInDynInfo = false; } else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The position opens above the Lower Band") { Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence_PriceSellLower; Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence_PriceBuyHigher; Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType_Other; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType_Other; Component[3].ShowInDynInfo = false; Component[4].ShowInDynInfo = false; } else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The position opens below the Lower Band") { Component[0].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence_PriceSellHigher; Component[2].PosPriceDependence = PositionPriceDependence_PriceBuyLower; Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType_Other; Component[4].DataType = IndComponentType_Other; Component[3].ShowInDynInfo = false; Component[4].ShowInDynInfo = false; } else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar closes below the Upper Band") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_closes_below_the_Upper_Band); else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar closes above the Upper Band") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_closes_above_the_Upper_Band); else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar closes below the Lower Band") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_closes_below_the_Lower_Band); else if(ListParam[0].Text=="The bar closes above the Lower Band") BandIndicatorLogic(firstBar,previous,adUpBand,adDnBand,Component[3],Component[4],BandIndLogic_The_bar_closes_above_the_Lower_Band); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
Risk warning: Forex, spread bets and CFD are leveraged products. They may not be suitable for you as they carry a high degree of risk to your capital and you can lose more than your initial investment. You should ensure you understand all of the risks.
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