26 (edited by timelleston 2022-10-12 00:23:43)

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Just a note, and probably expected, with correlations turned on, it really slows down the calculation of strategies.
One method around this might be to generate thousands in EG, and then use the correlation check in EAS to remove them as it's loading them?

Another thing I noted was that the Acceptance Criteria in EAS and EG don't appear to work the same. 
Using the same settings of minimum values in EG (such as profit, win-loss rate etc) and the same in EAS, and then use Validator to import the collection doesn't end up validating the entire collection.

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

I suspect that will be the correlation settings timelleston. Depends what version jump you are talking about though?

28 (edited by timelleston 2022-10-12 00:36:00)

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Yes, version 0.9 - correlations is the culprit, correct.

In terms of the validation differences, Win/Loss is definitely letting through deals that are less than the specified level.  And EAS validator is not letting them through.

And I suspect the dollar-value based criteria is possibly something to do with local account currency (issue raised previously).

sammjacks wrote:

I suspect that will be the correlation settings timelleston. Depends what version jump you are talking about though?

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Uploaded Express Generator v0.91

New features:
- set an Acceptance Criterion to 0 to ignore it. (Except for min-profit)

Fixed bugs:
- improper loading of FX-rates file. This fix allows generating strategies for account currencies different from USD.

New default Acceptance Criteria parameters:

;; Acceptance criteria      ;;

; Set 0 to ignore a criterion (except for min_profit)

max_drawdown_percent   = 0
max_equity_drawdown    = 0
min_count_of_trades    = 100
min_profit             = 0
min_profit_factor      = 0
min_profit_per_day     = 0
min_return_to_drawdown = 0
min_win_loss_ratio     = 0

Have fun and trade safe!

30 (edited by timelleston 2022-10-12 10:34:41)

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Thanks Mr Popov, updated very easily.

Couple of issues:
1) the Win/Loss rates are not being "accepted correctly".  I ran EG at 0.7 and then imported to EAS with 0.7 as an Acceptance Criteria in validator.  Around 18% were not validated from 10,000 imported.

When I ran the Validator without any acceptance criteria, it accepted 100% (obviously) and checking the lowest WinLoss ratio, it was at 0.63.

2) The IgnoreOrReverse does not appear to be working either, all strategies appear with Ignore.


Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Uploaded Express Generator v0.92

New features:
- implemented Opposite Entry Signal behaviour


;; Strategy properties      ;;

; Opposite entry signal: Ignore, Reverse, IgnoreOrReverse
opposite_entry_signal = Ignore

When opposite-entry-signal is set to IgnoreOrReverse, Express Generator randomly chooses between Ignore (70% chance) or Reverse (30% chance).




When the strategy uses an Opposite Entry Signal - Reverse, the order chain plays a significant role in the strategy performance. If the backtest starts on a different bar (even one bar), the trading orders may be different or opposite.

We have to think of a minimal Monte Carlo for the Express Generator.

Have fun and trade safe!

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

I tested how Express Generator generates collections for FSB Pro. Found perfect results.

Work steps:
- Download or import fresh data in FSB Pro.
- Fetch or set the same data in Express Generator.
- Set parameter: --exit-trade-at Close. FSB Pro closes the positions at Bar Closing.
- Set parameter: --close-at-backtest-end false. FSB Pro does not close the last position at the end of the backtest.
- Drag-drop or import the generated collection in FSB Pro


Please report misbehaviour. Please try to isolate what strategy doesn't import correctly or, even better, try to find which indicator causes the discrepancy. Please note that the data set must match completely.

A minor difference in the stats is acceptable because FSB Pro uses more detailed formulas for calculating indicator signals in particular cases.

Have fun and Trade Safe!

33 (edited by ahmedalhoseny 2022-10-14 03:06:52)

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Popov wrote:

- Download or import fresh data in FSB Pro.
- Fetch or set the same data in Express Generator.

What about making Express generator to fetch from the data inside FSB Pro folder as another source of data " using a separate fetch file    fetch_download_FSB_Data it will

1 - Help reducing editing steps when compare results.
2 - We can run both FSB & Express generator side by side and live comparing data.


Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Uploaded Express Generator v0.93

New features:
- fetch accepts periods in text as: --periods M15 M30 H1
- Unified the maximum data bars option in fetch and gen: --max-data-bars 50000. As an alternative syntax, both scripts accept the following: --max-bars 50000
- gen loads the data files as UTF-8. It was accepting files in ASCII format before. Now gen reads the exported files from MT without modification. However, if you don't have symbols in UTF-8 format, it is still advisable to modify the script as shown here: https://forexsb.com/forum/post/70628/#p70628 because it makes the files twice smaller.


Have fun and Trade Safe!

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Uploaded Express Generator v0.94

New features:
- gen accepts symbol and period for loading Premium Data.
- Replaced "data" option with "data-file". You can still use "data" as an alternative and shorter syntax.

New options:

;; Data source              ;;

;; Load Premium Data
symbol = EURUSD
;; Period can be in text format: M15, H1, D1 or in number of minutes: 5, 60, 1440
period = M30

; Data file from Premium data or exported from Meta Trader
; Example: data-file = ./data/Premium/EURUSD_M30.json
; Using 'data-file' overrides symbol and period parameters
data-file =

This update makes it possible to fetch Premium data and run the generator on the same data with similar options.


> node bin/fetch --symbol EURUSD --period M30 --max-data-bars 20000
> node bin/gen   --symbol EURUSD --period M30 --max-data-bars 20000



Let's say we download a single data file by symbol and period: node bin/fetch --symbol EURUSD --period M5.
Now it is more intuitive to generate strategies on this data by specifying the same parameters to the generator: node bin/gen--symbol EURUSD --period M5.

We load Premium Data by specifying its symbol and period.

We can load the Premium Data file or any other file imported from Meta Trader by specifying the file path:
node bin/gen --data-file ./data/MyBroker/EURUSD5.json

Specifying the file path with the "data-file" option has higher precedence than setting a symbol and period.

We renamed the previous "data" option to "data-file" because it intuitively means a single file.


Further ideas:

We can think of adding a "server" parameter to load data from a MetaTrader exported file. Let's discuss it in tomorrow's meeting.

Have fun and Trade Safe!

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Uploaded Express Generator v0.95

Added server to gen

Now we can specify a data file by server, symbol, and period:

node bin/gen --server MetaQuots --symbol EURUSD --period M5


If the server parameter is omitted, Express Generator loads Premium Data.
The server parameter is the name of the data subfolder under the "data" directory. It may differ from the actual data server name.

The data-file parameter overrides the server, symbol, and period parameters.

Have fun and Trade Safe!

37 (edited by timelleston 2022-10-16 02:26:32)

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Hi Mr Popov
It looks like --data-file is not over-ridiing the server settings.

I have my settings blank in the main settings.ini file, and in my custom file I have just the data-file = /user.....   but it throws an error on trying to load file

It appears that it wants to have all of the server, symbol and period set, irrespective of having the data-file parameter.

Also, is there a way we can "downgrade" to the previous, or a specified version?

(Actually just found a way from within the fetch.js file smile

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Uploaded Express Generator v0.96

Bugs fixed: --data-file option in custom settings file doesn't work.


Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Uploaded Express Generator v0.97

Bugs fixed: fetching data for multiple periods form custom settings file.

Inner Changes: major refactoring of the helper functions.

The purpose of this release is to prove that everything works as expected.

Please report any issues or misbehaviour you encounter.

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Uploaded Express Generator V0.98

New features: Added Trading Session

New parameters:

;; Trading Session          ;;

session_open  = 00:00
session_close = 24:00
friday_close  = 24:00

trade_on_sunday = true

close_at_session_close = false
close_at_friday_close  = false

The options are simplified but work in the same way as in EA Studio.


Have fun and Trade Safe!

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Very nice, thanks a lot! I will test it soon. Hope we can get the metrics, optimizer and normalizer as well as mc soon too, that would be heaven :-)

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Amazing Popov, I always use trading session to avoid high spread in the same way geektrader does so this is hugely helpful for me :-)

Interested to why you prefer the indicator approach? I don’t see a problem with the trading session but if you have a preference then I would definitely be interested to understand if this applies to my workflow or not.

Once R-squared or balance line stability is in then I can really start to move the generation part of my workflow process fully to Express gen likely which will be amazing.

I personally feel the acceptance criteria metrics take priority over the mc and normaliser at the moment as I would be running through the validator anyway so no drama to add those options.

Getting more quality generations initially, faster and with less computing power and manual effort is huge though! Can set so much running with the click of a button now :-)

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

I second that, acceptance criteria (r squared, ret/dd, stagnation, count of trades) would be the next needed step indeed. Thanks:-)

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Uploaded Express Generator v0.99

New features:
- added new stats: stagnation, max consecutive losses, and r-squared
- added new acceptance criteria: max-stagnation, max-consecutive-losses, and min-r-squared

Note! Express Generator calculates R-squared in different way. It may have difference between R-squared in Express Generator and EA Studio.

New parameters:

;; Acceptance criteria      ;;

min_r_squared          = 0
max_stagnation_percent = 0
max_consecutive_losses = 0


Have fun and Trade Safe!

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Hi Mr Popov
Is there by any chance a Zoom meeting link that I can watch the meeting as I wasn’t able to attend?

46 (edited by geektrader 2022-10-18 11:13:15)

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Thanks for the update! Very nice.

May I ask though why R-Squared differs and why and how it is calculated differently/better(?) in EA Studio / Express Generator? Isn't there a way to unify it the calculation between both? Because this may create confusion for new users and I think it might be best practice to unify it so that we have the same stats in both platforms.

Also one more request: can we get max stagnation in days too? That's what I am using all the time.

Thanks again for all this great work, it's so much appreciated.

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Amazing Popov, that’s a game changer. No probs that r-squared is a little different, I’m sure you had good reason. Great to have an acceptance criteria to filter out the more erratic equity curves.

Got my homework for tomorrow night getting some express gens going with the new updates implemented :-)

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

> May I ask though why R-Squared differs and why and how it is calculated differently/better(?) in EA Studio / Express Generator?

The original R-squared formula uses sums of squares of bar numbers, balance values, and also bar*balance.
I'm afraid that when we use big data series with a large account (imagine account in JPY) the intermediate values can overload the number values of JavaScript. The program will not crash in such a case, but the calculated R-squared will not be correct. We may miss good strategies in case of overloading.

From a long time I'm thinking how to fix the problem without breaking changes and now, with Express Generator I solve it in a different way.

Instead of calculating R-squared on the original trade values, I'm using the scaled balance line what we see on the Balance chart in the EA Studio's Collection or Editor.

I do the following thing:
- scale the original balance line to 300 points.
- divide each value to the initial account. I receive 300 points from 1 to 3 for example (if the final balance is 3 times larger).
- calculate R on the given 300 points. It is safe to do it without overloading.
- Power R to 5 instead of 2. The original formula is R^2 (r-squared). However, I found out the numbers are reaching easily values to 95+ and then they are very near each other. For that reason, I'm using R^5 in EA Studio instead of R^2 to spread the values in the upper end. I'm using the same in Express Generator.

> Isn't there a way to unify it the calculation between both?

Yes, of course. It is completely possible. Let's see how the formula in Express Generator works. If it is fine, I'll apply it in EA Studio also.

It will be good to unify R-squared because all other parameters and stats match completely. I'm vary happy from that because the backtesting functions are very different in Express Generator. Thanks to that I noticed and fixed a lot of issues in EA Studio engine and indicators when compared the results.

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

> Is there by any chance a Zoom meeting link that I can watch the meeting as I wasn’t able to attend?

We have a talk only.
We will try to make a detailed guide of Express Generator with Petko from https://eatradingacademy.com/

Our schedule is three meetings from now: Thursday, Friday and Monday at  12:00 AM UTC.

Re: Express Generator - News and Updates

Thanks for the detailed explanation, super interesting. I never thought about overloading variables in JS and your solution is perfectly smart indeed to not miss any strategies by using the relative balance line for the calculations. It's great that you are using 300 points for sampling by the way, that's a lot more accurate than the 100 that most people use to implement it.

I hope you can find a way to match the r-squared results between EA Studio and Express Generator without missing any strategies in both.

Also great that the development of Express Generator brings many benefits for EA Studio as well. Finally I will be testing and comparing the speed of strategy generation between EA Studio, Express Generator on Node JS and Express Generator on Bun (if I get it to work) hopefully today. Given the extremely high energy prices in Germany, I am most interested in high effiency and hope Express Generator, especially on Bun, will be faster than EA Studio. That's why I am also looking for the implementation of the Optimizer, Normalizer and MC into Express Generator, as I am using these in my workflow and once Express Generator has these as well, I can completely switch to it,.eliminating the overhead of Chrome and use EA Studio just for the viewing and preparation of the collections that Express Generator created. I will report back...

Thanks a lot!!