Price MA Relation by Popov
50709 downloads / 5504 views / Created: 27.06.2015

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Indicator Description
This indicator compares a bar price with a Moving Average.
See this post for examples Moving Average strategy
See this post for examples Moving Average strategy
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// Forex Strategy Builder
// Copyright © Miroslav Popov. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Entities;
using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Enums;
using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Interfaces;
namespace ForexStrategyBuilder.Indicators.Custom
public class PriceMARelation : Indicator
public PriceMARelation()
IndicatorName = "Price MA Relation";
PossibleSlots = SlotTypes.OpenFilter | SlotTypes.CloseFilter;
IndicatorAuthor = "Miroslav Popov";
IndicatorVersion = "1.0";
IndicatorDescription = "Compares a bar price with a Moving Average";
public override void Initialize(SlotTypes slotType)
SlotType = slotType;
// The ComboBox parameters
IndParam.ListParam[0].Caption = "Logic";
IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList = new[]
"Bar price is higher than MA",
"Bar price is lower than MA"
IndParam.ListParam[0].Index = 0;
IndParam.ListParam[0].Text = IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[0].Index];
IndParam.ListParam[0].Enabled = true;
IndParam.ListParam[0].ToolTip = "Releation between a bar price and a MA";
IndParam.ListParam[1].Caption = "MA base price";
IndParam.ListParam[1].ItemList = new[] {"Close"};
IndParam.ListParam[1].Index = 0;
IndParam.ListParam[1].Text = "Close";
IndParam.ListParam[1].Enabled = true;
IndParam.ListParam[1].ToolTip = "Base price of the MA";
IndParam.ListParam[2].Caption = "MA method";
IndParam.ListParam[2].ItemList = Enum.GetNames(typeof (MAMethod));
IndParam.ListParam[2].Index = (int) MAMethod.Simple;
IndParam.ListParam[2].Text = IndParam.ListParam[2].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[2].Index];
IndParam.ListParam[2].Enabled = true;
IndParam.ListParam[2].ToolTip = "Method for calculating the MA";
IndParam.ListParam[3].Caption = "Bar reference price";
IndParam.ListParam[3].ItemList = Enum.GetNames(typeof (BasePrice));
IndParam.ListParam[3].Index = (int) BasePrice.Close;
IndParam.ListParam[3].Text = IndParam.ListParam[3].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[3].Index];
IndParam.ListParam[3].Enabled = true;
IndParam.ListParam[3].ToolTip = "Bar reference price.";
// The NumericUpDown parameters
IndParam.NumParam[0].Caption = "MA period";
IndParam.NumParam[0].Value = 13;
IndParam.NumParam[0].Min = 1;
IndParam.NumParam[0].Max = 200;
IndParam.NumParam[0].Enabled = true;
IndParam.NumParam[0].ToolTip = "Bars used for calculating the MA";
// The CheckBox parameters
IndParam.CheckParam[0].Caption = "Use previous bar value";
IndParam.CheckParam[0].Enabled = true;
IndParam.CheckParam[0].ToolTip = "Use the indicator value from the previous bar.";
public override void Calculate(IDataSet dataSet)
DataSet = dataSet;
// Reading the parameters
var maBasePrice = (BasePrice) IndParam.ListParam[1].Index;
var maMethod = (MAMethod) IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
var maPeriod = (int) IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
var previous = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0;
var barBasePriceLong = (BasePrice) IndParam.ListParam[3].Index;
var barBasePriceShort = barBasePriceLong;
if (barBasePriceLong == BasePrice.High)
barBasePriceShort = BasePrice.Low;
if (barBasePriceLong == BasePrice.Low)
barBasePriceShort = BasePrice.High;
var ma = MovingAverage(maPeriod, 0, maMethod, Price(maBasePrice));
var barLong = Price(barBasePriceLong);
var barShort = Price(barBasePriceShort);
var firstBar = maPeriod + previous + 1;
// Initializing components
Component = new IndicatorComp[3];
Component[0] = new IndicatorComp
CompName = "Moving Average",
ChartColor = Color.DarkViolet,
DataType = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue,
ChartType = IndChartType.Line,
FirstBar = firstBar,
Value = ma
Component[1] = new IndicatorComp
ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart,
FirstBar = firstBar,
Value = new double[Bars]
Component[2] = new IndicatorComp
ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart,
FirstBar = firstBar,
Value = new double[Bars]
// Sets the Component's type
if (SlotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter)
Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong;
Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed";
Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort;
Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed";
else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter)
Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong;
Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position";
Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort;
Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position";
// Sets the components signals
if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Bar price is higher than MA")
var sigma = Sigma();
for (int bar = firstBar; bar < Bars; bar++)
if (barLong[bar - previous] > ma[bar - previous] + sigma)
Component[1].Value[bar] = 1;
if (barShort[bar - previous] < ma[bar - previous] - sigma)
Component[2].Value[bar] = 1;
else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Bar price is lower than MA")
var sigma = Sigma();
for (int bar = firstBar + previous; bar < Bars; bar++)
if (barLong[bar - previous] < ma[bar - previous] - sigma)
Component[1].Value[bar] = 1;
if (barShort[bar - previous] > ma[bar - previous] + sigma)
Component[2].Value[bar] = 1;
public override void SetDescription()
var maPeriod = (int) IndParam.NumParam[0].Value;
var maMethod = (MAMethod)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index;
var previous = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? "*" : String.Empty;
var maText = String.Format("MA{0}({1}, {2})", previous, maMethod, maPeriod);
var barBasePriceLong = (BasePrice) IndParam.ListParam[3].Index;
var barBasePriceShort = barBasePriceLong;
if (barBasePriceLong == BasePrice.High)
barBasePriceShort = BasePrice.Low;
if (barBasePriceLong == BasePrice.Low)
barBasePriceShort = BasePrice.High;
var barTextLong = String.Format("Bar {0}", barBasePriceLong);
var barTextShort = String.Format("Bar {0}", barBasePriceShort);
switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text)
case "Bar price is higher than MA":
EntryFilterLongDescription = barTextLong + " is higher than " + maText;
EntryFilterShortDescription = barTextShort + " is lower than " + maText;
ExitFilterLongDescription = barTextLong + " is higher than " + maText;
ExitFilterShortDescription = barTextShort + " is lower than " + maText;
case "Bar price is lower than MA":
EntryFilterLongDescription = barTextLong + " is lower than " + maText;
EntryFilterShortDescription = barTextShort + " is higher than " + maText;
ExitFilterLongDescription = barTextLong + " is lower than " + maText;
ExitFilterShortDescription = barTextShort + " is higher than " + maText;
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