Table of Contents

File Menu

File Menu

The File menu consists of the commands used to save and load strategies.


The New command loads a “new” strategy. This means that the current strategy will be closed. If the current strategy has been changed after loading, Forex Strategy Builder will ask you whether you want to save it.

To Save

The “new” strategy is loaded from the New.xml file from the folder .\Strategy. By changing it, you change the default “new” strategy.

The fast key to open the menu is Ctrl + N.


The command Open displays a dialog window for loading a new strategy. It will replace the current strategy.

Open File

If the strategy you load has been developed for a different market (instrument or time period), Forex Strategy Builder will ask you whether you want to load the necessary data.

New Market Conditions

If you click OK, the required new data will be loaded, while Cancel will leave the current data unchanged. You should bear in mind that a strategy designed for a particular market might not work for another market (different currency tool or\and time period).

Fast key Ctrl + O.


The Save command saves the current strategy under the same name and in the same directory from which it was opened.

The saved file contains market data, the strategy's parameters, indicators and a short summary of the strategy.

Fast key Ctrl + S.

Save As

Save As allows you to save a strategy under a different name or in a different directory.

Save As

Forex Strategy Builder strategies are saved as XML files (My Strategy.xml for example).


The Exit command closes the program. Before you do that, save the current strategy if you don't want to lose the changes you have made in the meantime.

Fast key Ctrl + X.