====== FST Log Viewer ====== FST Log Viewer monitors the log files of Forex Strategy Trader and shows info about the account status, the currently open positions and the last orders. {{ :fst:manual:fst-logs-files-viewer.png?nolink |FST Log Viewer}} FST Log Viewer works with FST v1.5.3.1 and newer. How to use it: * Writing log files option of FST must be turned on. * Use Set Folder button to navigate to the Logs folder of FST. It is most probably at //C:\Program Files\Forex Strategy Trader\Logs//. * Set the refresh time in seconds. The program saves it's data to a config file. //**Download FST Log Viewer**//\\ Version: 1.0\\ Download link: [[http://forexsb.com/downloads/FSTLogViewer.zip|FSTLogViewer.zip]] GitHub project: [[https://github.com/PopovMP/FSTLogViewer]]