====== User Interface Overview ====== {{youtube>W0QFZGJ-gUM?medium}} {{:fsbpro_guide:ui_overview.png|Main User Interface}} There are seven zones: - Main Menu - Toolbar Menu - Notification Area - Tabs - Right side panels - Bottom panels - Status bar There are five general types of tabs: - [[fsbpro_guide:start_page]] - shows a list of the last opened strategies and gives you fast access to load more strategies off-line or on-line - [[fsbpro_guide:history_center]] - allows you to operate your data files - [[fsbpro_guide:repository_tab]] - load off-line strategy collections or download some from the on-line repository. - [[fsbpro_guide:control_panel]] - program-wide settings for FSB Pro - [[fsbpro_guide:strategy_tab]] - Shows an open strategy In strategy tabs the title is always the title of the current strategy. You can close each tab by clicking with the middle button/scroll of your mouse. There are some additional panels that can be opened to accompany your work (Bottom panels): * Output Log - Shows additional information, warnings, errors and hints concerning your latest actions ant the program's status * Trade Status - Shows any currently open positions * Trade Journal - Shows a log of the trading operations There are some additional panels that can be opened to accompany your work (Right side panels): * [[fsbpro_guide:additional_statistics]] - Shows complementary statistics to Account Statistics * [[fsbpro_guide:strategy_explorer]] - lets you easily navigate between strategy files from inside FSB Pro  * [[fsbpro_guide:strategy_portfolio]] - Watches all open strategies and computes a cumulative strategy ===== Main Menu ===== {{:fsbpro_guide:ui_overview_main_menu.png?500|Main Menu}} * **File** * **New** Creates and opens a new empty strategy  * **Open** lets you select and open a saved strategy, you can also select multiple strategies to open at once (this command will use the latest location you opened a strategy from) * **Open Default -** opens the default strategy directory (C:\Program Files\Forex Strategy Builder Pro\User Files\Strategies) * **Save -** saves the strategy from the active tab * **Save as -** saves the strategy from the active tab as a new file * **Close -** closes the current tab * **Save all -** saves all open strategies * **Close all -** closes all tabs * **User Files Folder...** - opens //C:\Program Files\Forex Strategy Builder Pro\User Files// where all user data lives * **Exit Program** - Closes FSB Pro * **Edit** * **Undo, Redo** - those commands can be applied to the active strategy tab. Those are usable only if the strategy has been changed since the tab is opened. * Copy Strategy, Paste Strategy - allows you to copy a strategy to the clipboard, you can copy and paste strategies between FSB Pro to FSB or copy and paste strategies from the on-line repository to FSB Pro. * **View** * Has commands to open all possible types of tabs and panels * **Main Toolbar** - allows you to disable/enable the Main Toolbar * **Status Bar** - allows you to disable/enable the Status Bar * **Account** * **Account Settings** - opens **Control Panel > Account** * **Market** * **Symbol Settings** - opens **Control Panel > Symbols** * **Data Horizon** - opens **Control Panel > Data Horizon** * **Data Sources** - opens **Control Panel > Data Sources** * **Download History Data** - opens **History Center > Data Download** * **Import JForex Data Files -** opens **History Center > JForex Import** * **Strategy** * **Recalculate Strategy** - recalculates the active strategy * **Trading**  * **Start/Stop Trade All** - Starts/Stops trading all connected strategies * **Trader Auto Start -** automatically start trading a list of strategies * **Install MetaTrader 4 Expert...** - Starts the expert installer for MT4 * **MetaTrader 4 Expert Files** - shows you the directory containing the expert files. You can use those if you wish to install the expert manually * **Help** * **View Online Help -** link to the online help on forexsb.com * **Support Forum -** communicate with our team and users on the forexsb.com support forum * **Purchase License -** will take you to the Purchase License page online where you can buy a license for FSB Pro * **Enter License Code --link** * **About -** shows the current licensing status of the program, the version and other information ===== Main Toolbar ===== {{:fsbpro_guide:ui_overview_toolbar_menu.png?500|Main Toolbar}} This menu contains shortcuts to the commands in the Main Menu, it consists of 4 general parts: * Commands * Main Tabs (Start Page, History Center, Strategy Collections, Control Panel) * Bottom panels (Output Log, Trade Status, Trade Journal) * Right-side panels (Additional Statistics, Strategy Explorer, Portfolio) ~~DISQUS~~