//============================================================== // Forex Strategy Builder // Copyright © Miroslav Popov. All rights reserved. //============================================================== // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. //============================================================== using System; using System.Drawing; using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Entities; using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Enums; using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Interfaces; namespace ForexStrategyBuilder.Indicators.Store { public class LinearRegressionSlope : Indicator { public LinearRegressionSlope() { IndicatorName = "Linear Regression Slope"; PossibleSlots = SlotTypes.OpenFilter | SlotTypes.CloseFilter; SeparatedChart = true; IndicatorAuthor = "Denny Imanuel"; IndicatorVersion = "2.0"; IndicatorDescription = "Linear regression line is a plot of a slope line that try to conform or approach the scattered data."; } public override void Initialize(SlotTypes slotType) { SlotType = slotType; // The ComboBox parameters IndParam.ListParam[0].Caption = "Logic"; IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList = new string[] { "The LR Slope rises", "The LR Slope falls", "The LR Slope is higher than the Level line", "The LR Slope is lower than the Level line", "The LR Slope crosses the Level line upward", "The LR Slope crosses the Level line downward", "The LR Slope changes its direction upward", "The LR Slope changes its direction downward" }; IndParam.ListParam[0].Index = 0; IndParam.ListParam[0].Text = IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[0].Index]; IndParam.ListParam[0].Enabled = true; IndParam.ListParam[0].ToolTip = "Logic of application of the indicator."; IndParam.ListParam[1].Caption = "Smoothing method"; IndParam.ListParam[1].ItemList = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MAMethod)); IndParam.ListParam[1].Index = (int)MAMethod.Simple; IndParam.ListParam[1].Text = IndParam.ListParam[1].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[1].Index]; IndParam.ListParam[1].Enabled = true; IndParam.ListParam[1].ToolTip = "The method used for smoothing the both Moving Averages."; IndParam.ListParam[2].Caption = "Base price"; IndParam.ListParam[2].ItemList = Enum.GetNames(typeof(BasePrice)); IndParam.ListParam[2].Index = (int)BasePrice.Typical; IndParam.ListParam[2].Text = IndParam.ListParam[2].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[2].Index]; IndParam.ListParam[2].Enabled = true; IndParam.ListParam[2].ToolTip = "The price the both Moving Averages are based on."; // The NumericUpDown parameters IndParam.NumParam[0].Caption = "Smoothing period"; IndParam.NumParam[0].Value = 5; IndParam.NumParam[0].Min = 1; IndParam.NumParam[0].Max = 200; IndParam.NumParam[0].Enabled = true; IndParam.NumParam[0].ToolTip = "The period of MA smoothing."; IndParam.NumParam[1].Caption = "Regression length"; IndParam.NumParam[1].Value = 5; IndParam.NumParam[1].Min = 1; IndParam.NumParam[1].Max = 200; IndParam.NumParam[1].Enabled = true; IndParam.NumParam[1].ToolTip = "The length of linear regression"; IndParam.NumParam[2].Caption = "Level"; IndParam.NumParam[2].Value = 0; IndParam.NumParam[2].Min = -100; IndParam.NumParam[2].Max = 100; IndParam.NumParam[2].Point = 4; IndParam.NumParam[2].Enabled = true; IndParam.NumParam[2].ToolTip = "A critical level (for the appropriate logic)."; // The CheckBox parameters IndParam.CheckParam[0].Caption = "Use previous bar value"; IndParam.CheckParam[0].Enabled = true; IndParam.CheckParam[0].ToolTip = "Use the indicator value from the previous bar."; } public override void Calculate(IDataSet dataSet) { DataSet = dataSet; // Reading the parameters MAMethod maMethod = (MAMethod )IndParam.ListParam[1].Index; BasePrice basePrice = (BasePrice)IndParam.ListParam[2].Index; int iMAPeriod = (int)IndParam.NumParam[0].Value; int iLRLength = (int)IndParam.NumParam[1].Value; double dLevel = IndParam.NumParam[2].Value; int iPrvs = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0; double[] dX = new double[Bars]; double[] dY = new double[Bars]; double dSigX; double dSigY; double dSigXY; double dSigXX; double[] adLRSlope = new double[Bars]; int iFirstBar = iMAPeriod + iLRLength + 2; double[] adMAPrice = MovingAverage(iMAPeriod, 0, maMethod, Price(basePrice)); for (int iBar = iFirstBar; iBar < Bars; iBar++) { dSigX = 0; dSigY = 0; dSigXX = 0; dSigXY = 0; for (int index = 0; index < iLRLength; index++) { dSigX = dSigX + index; dSigY = dSigY + adMAPrice[iBar-index]; dSigXY = dSigXY + index * adMAPrice[iBar-index]; dSigXX = dSigXX + index * index; } adLRSlope[iBar] = - (iLRLength*dSigXY - dSigX*dSigY)/(iLRLength*dSigXX - dSigX*dSigX); } // Saving the components Component = new IndicatorComp[3]; Component[0] = new IndicatorComp(); Component[0].CompName = "LR Slope"; Component[0].DataType = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue; Component[0].ChartType = IndChartType.Histogram; Component[0].FirstBar = iFirstBar; Component[0].Value = adLRSlope; Component[1] = new IndicatorComp(); Component[1].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart; Component[1].FirstBar = iFirstBar; Component[1].Value = new double[Bars]; Component[2] = new IndicatorComp(); Component[2].ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart; Component[2].FirstBar = iFirstBar; Component[2].Value = new double[Bars]; // Sets the Component's type if (SlotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter) { Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong; Component[1].CompName = "Is long entry allowed"; Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort; Component[2].CompName = "Is short entry allowed"; } else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter) { Component[1].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong; Component[1].CompName = "Close out long position"; Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort; Component[2].CompName = "Close out short position"; } // Calculation of the logic IndicatorLogic indLogic = IndicatorLogic.It_does_not_act_as_a_filter; switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text) { case "The LR Slope rises": indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_rises; SpecialValues = new double[1] { 0 }; break; case "The LR Slope falls": indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_falls; SpecialValues = new double[1] { 0 }; break; case "The LR Slope is higher than the Level line": indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_higher_than_the_level_line; SpecialValues = new double[2] { dLevel, -dLevel }; break; case "The LR Slope is lower than the Level line": indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_is_lower_than_the_level_line; SpecialValues = new double[2] { dLevel, -dLevel }; break; case "The LR Slope crosses the Level line upward": indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_upward; SpecialValues = new double[2] { dLevel, -dLevel }; break; case "The LR Slope crosses the Level line downward": indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_crosses_the_level_line_downward; SpecialValues = new double[2] { dLevel, -dLevel }; break; case "The LR Slope changes its direction upward": indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_upward; SpecialValues = new double[1] { 0 }; break; case "The LR Slope changes its direction downward": indLogic = IndicatorLogic.The_indicator_changes_its_direction_downward; SpecialValues = new double[1] { 0 }; break; } OscillatorLogic(iFirstBar, iPrvs, adLRSlope, dLevel, -dLevel, ref Component[1], ref Component[2], indLogic); } public override void SetDescription() { string sLevelLong = (IndParam.NumParam[2].Value == 0 ? "0" : IndParam.NumParam[2].ValueToString); string sLevelShort = (IndParam.NumParam[2].Value == 0 ? "0" : "-" + IndParam.NumParam[2].ValueToString); EntryFilterLongDescription = "the " + ToString() + " "; EntryFilterShortDescription = "the " + ToString() + " "; ExitFilterLongDescription = "the " + ToString() + " "; ExitFilterShortDescription = "the " + ToString() + " "; switch (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text) { case "The LR Slope rises": EntryFilterLongDescription += "rises"; EntryFilterShortDescription += "falls"; ExitFilterLongDescription += "rises"; ExitFilterShortDescription += "falls"; break; case "The LR Slope falls": EntryFilterLongDescription += "falls"; EntryFilterShortDescription += "rises"; ExitFilterLongDescription += "falls"; ExitFilterShortDescription += "rises"; break; case "The LR Slope is higher than the Level line": EntryFilterLongDescription += "is higher than the Level " + sLevelLong; EntryFilterShortDescription += "is lower than the Level " + sLevelShort; ExitFilterLongDescription += "is higher than the Level " + sLevelLong; ExitFilterShortDescription += "is lower than the Level " + sLevelShort; break; case "The LR Slope is lower than the Level line": EntryFilterLongDescription += "is lower than the Level " + sLevelLong; EntryFilterShortDescription += "is higher than the Level " + sLevelShort; ExitFilterLongDescription += "is lower than the Level " + sLevelLong; ExitFilterShortDescription += "is higher than the Level " + sLevelShort; break; case "The LR Slope crosses the Level line upward": EntryFilterLongDescription += "crosses the Level " + sLevelLong + " upward"; EntryFilterShortDescription += "crosses the Level " + sLevelShort + " downward"; ExitFilterLongDescription += "crosses the Level " + sLevelLong + " upward"; ExitFilterShortDescription += "crosses the Level " + sLevelShort + " downward"; break; case "The LR Slope crosses the Level line downward": EntryFilterLongDescription += "crosses the Level " + sLevelLong + " downward"; EntryFilterShortDescription += "crosses the Level " + sLevelShort + " upward"; ExitFilterLongDescription += "crosses the Level " + sLevelLong + " downward"; ExitFilterShortDescription += "crosses the Level " + sLevelShort + " upward"; break; case "The LR Slope changes its direction upward": EntryFilterLongDescription += "changes its direction upward"; EntryFilterShortDescription += "changes its direction downward"; ExitFilterLongDescription += "changes its direction upward"; ExitFilterShortDescription += "changes its direction downward"; break; case "The LR Slope changes its direction downward": EntryFilterLongDescription += "changes its direction downward"; EntryFilterShortDescription += "changes its direction upward"; ExitFilterLongDescription += "changes its direction downward"; ExitFilterShortDescription += "changes its direction upward"; break; } } /// /// Indicator to string /// public override string ToString() { return IndicatorName + (IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? "* (" : " (") + IndParam.ListParam[1].Text + ", " + // Method IndParam.ListParam[2].Text + ", " + // Price IndParam.NumParam[0].ValueToString + ", " + // MA Period IndParam.NumParam[1].ValueToString + ")"; // LR Length } } }