using System; using System.Drawing; using ForexStrategyBuilder.Indicators.Store; using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Entities; using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Enums; using ForexStrategyBuilder.Infrastructure.Interfaces; namespace ForexStrategyBuilder.Indicators.Custom { public class MACDConvergenceDivergence : Indicator { public MACDConvergenceDivergence() { IndicatorName = "MACD Convergence Divergence"; PossibleSlots = SlotTypes.OpenFilter | SlotTypes.CloseFilter; SeparatedChart = true; IsDeafultGroupAll = false; IsGeneratable = true; IndicatorAuthor = "Miroslav Popov"; IndicatorVersion = "1.0"; IndicatorDescription = "Measures convergence/divergence between the market and MACD." + Environment.NewLine + "The indicator compares two MAs calculated on MACD and on bar Close."; } public override void Initialize(SlotTypes slotType) { SlotType = slotType; // The ComboBox parameters IndParam.ListParam[0].Caption = "Logic"; IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList = new[] { "Convergence", "Divergence" }; IndParam.ListParam[0].Index = 0; IndParam.ListParam[0].Text = IndParam.ListParam[0].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[0].Index]; IndParam.ListParam[0].Enabled = true; IndParam.ListParam[0].ToolTip = "Determines the entry conditions"; IndParam.ListParam[1].Caption = "MACD smoothing method"; IndParam.ListParam[1].ItemList = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MAMethod)); IndParam.ListParam[1].Index = (int)MAMethod.Exponential; IndParam.ListParam[1].Text = IndParam.ListParam[1].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[1].Index]; IndParam.ListParam[1].Enabled = true; IndParam.ListParam[1].ToolTip = "The Moving Average method used for smoothing MACD value."; IndParam.ListParam[2].Caption = "Base price"; IndParam.ListParam[2].ItemList = Enum.GetNames(typeof(BasePrice)); IndParam.ListParam[2].Index = (int)BasePrice.Close; IndParam.ListParam[2].Text = IndParam.ListParam[2].ItemList[IndParam.ListParam[2].Index]; IndParam.ListParam[2].Enabled = true; IndParam.ListParam[2].ToolTip = "The price the indicator is based on."; // The NumericUpDown parameters IndParam.NumParam[0].Caption = "Slow MA period"; IndParam.NumParam[0].Value = 26; IndParam.NumParam[0].Min = 1; IndParam.NumParam[0].Max = 200; IndParam.NumParam[0].Enabled = true; IndParam.NumParam[0].ToolTip = "The period of Slow MA."; IndParam.NumParam[1].Caption = "Fast MA period"; IndParam.NumParam[1].Value = 12; IndParam.NumParam[1].Min = 1; IndParam.NumParam[1].Max = 200; IndParam.NumParam[1].Enabled = true; IndParam.NumParam[1].ToolTip = "The period of Fast MA."; IndParam.NumParam[2].Caption = "Signal line period"; IndParam.NumParam[2].Value = 9; IndParam.NumParam[2].Min = 1; IndParam.NumParam[2].Max = 200; IndParam.NumParam[2].Enabled = true; IndParam.NumParam[2].ToolTip = "The period of Signal line."; IndParam.NumParam[3].Caption = "Reference MA period"; IndParam.NumParam[3].Value = 14; IndParam.NumParam[3].Min = 1; IndParam.NumParam[3].Max = 200; IndParam.NumParam[3].Enabled = true; IndParam.NumParam[3].ToolTip = "Convergence/divergence reference MA period."; // The CheckBox parameters IndParam.CheckParam[0].Caption = "Use previous bar value"; IndParam.CheckParam[0].Enabled = true; IndParam.CheckParam[0].ToolTip = "Use the indicator value from the previous bar."; } public override void Calculate(IDataSet dataSet) { DataSet = dataSet; // Reading the parameters var basePrice = (BasePrice) IndParam.ListParam[2].Index; var referencePeriod = (int)IndParam.NumParam[3].Value; int previous = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked ? 1 : 0; // Calculation // --------------------------------------------------------- var macd = new MACD(); macd.Initialize(SlotType); macd.IndParam.ListParam[1].Index = IndParam.ListParam[1].Index; macd.IndParam.ListParam[2].Index = IndParam.ListParam[2].Index; macd.IndParam.ListParam[3].Index = 0; macd.IndParam.NumParam[0].Value = IndParam.NumParam[0].Value; macd.IndParam.NumParam[1].Value = IndParam.NumParam[1].Value; macd.IndParam.NumParam[2].Value = IndParam.NumParam[2].Value; macd.IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked = IndParam.CheckParam[0].Checked; macd.Calculate(DataSet); double[] indicatorMa = MovingAverage(referencePeriod, previous, MAMethod.Simple, macd.Component[0].Value); double[] marketMa = MovingAverage(referencePeriod, previous, MAMethod.Simple, Price(basePrice)); // ---------------------------------------------------------- int firstBar = macd.Component[0].FirstBar + referencePeriod + 2; var cd = new double[Bars]; if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Convergence") for (int bar = firstBar; bar < Bars; bar++) cd[bar] = IsConvergence(indicatorMa, marketMa, bar); else if (IndParam.ListParam[0].Text == "Divergence") for (int bar = firstBar; bar < Bars; bar++) cd[bar] = IsDivergence(indicatorMa, marketMa, bar); // Saving the components Component = new IndicatorComp[4]; Component[0] = new IndicatorComp { CompName = "MACD Histogram", DataType = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue, ChartType = IndChartType.Line, ChartColor = Color.RoyalBlue, FirstBar = firstBar, Value = macd.Component[0].Value }; Component[1] = new IndicatorComp { CompName = "MACD MA", DataType = IndComponentType.IndicatorValue, ChartType = IndChartType.Line, ChartColor = Color.Red, FirstBar = firstBar, Value = indicatorMa }; Component[2] = new IndicatorComp { ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart, FirstBar = firstBar, Value = cd }; Component[3] = new IndicatorComp { ChartType = IndChartType.NoChart, FirstBar = firstBar, Value = cd }; // Sets the Component's type if (SlotType == SlotTypes.OpenFilter) { Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenLong; Component[2].CompName = "Is long entry allowed"; Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.AllowOpenShort; Component[3].CompName = "Is short entry allowed"; } else if (SlotType == SlotTypes.CloseFilter) { Component[2].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseLong; Component[2].CompName = "Close out long position"; Component[3].DataType = IndComponentType.ForceCloseShort; Component[3].CompName = "Close out short position"; } } public override void SetDescription() { var logic = "There is a " + IndParam.ListParam[0].Text + " between the market's MA and the indicator's MA"; EntryFilterLongDescription = logic; EntryFilterShortDescription = logic; ExitFilterLongDescription = logic; ExitFilterShortDescription = logic; } private double IsConvergence(double[] ma1, double[] ma2, int bar) { double sigma = Sigma(); if (ma1[bar] > ma1[bar - 1] + sigma && ma2[bar] > ma2[bar - 1] + sigma) return 1; if (ma1[bar] < ma1[bar - 1] - sigma && ma2[bar] < ma2[bar - 1] - sigma) return 1; return 0; } private double IsDivergence(double[] ma1, double[] ma2, int bar) { double sigma = Sigma(); if (ma1[bar] > ma1[bar - 1] + sigma && ma2[bar] < ma2[bar - 1] - sigma) return 1; if (ma1[bar] < ma1[bar - 1] - sigma && ma2[bar] > ma2[bar - 1] + sigma) return 1; return 0; } } }