Topic: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average


I cant find the TEMA or DEMA in FSB, I try to find in the indicator list, also in the forum.

I wanna test some strategy with TEMA and DEMA.

Does anyone know how it can be done?


Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

there is no tema or dema indicator but you can try moving averages crossover

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

thanks, but is not te same, is possible to get a similar curve, but I need DEMA and TEMA for a strategy that I try to created with FSB.

another thing I saw testing this software, that is not possible to usage a moving averages crossover with high time frame. for example, now I need a condition with EMA 6 in 1H cross EMA 6 in 4H.

I saw the "Longer Time Frame" option but is for the fast and slow in the same time frame selected.

maybe this will be a good featured to be added in the next version of FSB. and I my opinion is a important option "moving averages crossover with high time frame" to good strategy creation.

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

mauro wrote:

another thing I saw testing this software, that is not possible to usage a moving averages crossover with high time frame. for example, now I need a condition with EMA 6 in 1H cross EMA 6 in 4H.

I saw the "Longer Time Frame" option but is for the fast and slow in the same time frame selected.

maybe this will be a good featured to be added in the next version of FSB. and I my opinion is a important option "moving averages crossover with high time frame" to good strategy creation.

Isn't EMA 6 in H4 = EMA 24 in H1?

So  EMA 6 in 1H cross EMA 6 in 4H = EMA 6 H1 Cross EMA 24 in H1

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

yes, that is correct, is a good workaround. but in my case I need not only crossover for ema, also DEMA and TEMA, and this are not in the list inside the "moving average crossover" method:

Im try to put the DEMA and TEMA as custom indi, maybe modifie the "EmaPredictive MA Crossover.cs" of the user Footon, if it's not a problem for the author, but Im not a good programer. but I dont give up easily big_smile , if in the remote possibility I succeed it, I will share it, I will also see it for HMA Crossover.

also, maybe putting in the list "moving average crossover" inside method add the DEMA and TEMA, but I think only the developer can do.

hannahis wrote:
mauro wrote:

another thing I saw testing this software, that is not possible to usage a moving averages crossover with high time frame. for example, now I need a condition with EMA 6 in 1H cross EMA 6 in 4H.

I saw the "Longer Time Frame" option but is for the fast and slow in the same time frame selected.

maybe this will be a good featured to be added in the next version of FSB. and I my opinion is a important option "moving averages crossover with high time frame" to good strategy creation.

Isn't EMA 6 in H4 = EMA 24 in H1?

So  EMA 6 in 1H cross EMA 6 in 4H = EMA 6 H1 Cross EMA 24 in H1

6 (edited by hannahis 2018-07-24 16:41:15)

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

Hi Mauro,

Like most new users, we often get hung up/stuck with certain trading rules that we think we can't live without it (exaggeration).

Likewise, there are many indicators in FSB Pro that can make profitable Strategies.

I've been testing many strategies for years and over the time, I come to realised that almost any or all indicators can be profitable (if you get the right settings/parameters/rules etc).  Nevertheless, there are a few indicators which are my favourites and these are very common ones.  Nothing spectacular about them, just knowing how to use them as deem fit is important though.

So my 2 cents worth of advise is let the software do what it is best at, look for you good indicators/parameter and then from there fine tune it further (optimization) etc to improve the results.

FSB Pro has improved tremendously over the years and recently I started to jump over to EA Studio which also produce very good strategies if you know how to refine them further (as according to you trading knowledge of how the market works).

Best of luck to your EA Development.

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

Hi hannabis!

yes, I perfect undestand, and Im 110% agree with you, but is not for me this ea, is for a old trader, a real old-school trader, him ask me if I can put a strategy that him have manually, so I try to do exacly the same strategy in FSB and then optimize, backtesting etc. that is the reason I need exacly this indi and crossover of them.


hannahis wrote:

Hi Mauro,

Like most new users, we often get hung up/stuck with certain trading rules that we think we can't live without it (exaggeration).

Likewise, there are many indicators in FSB Pro that can make profitable Strategies.

I've been testing many strategies for years and over the time, I come to realised that almost any or all indicators can be profitable (if you get the right settings/parameters/rules etc).

So my 2 cents worth of advise is let the software do what it is best at, look for you good indicators/parameter and then from there fine tune it further (optimization) etc to improve the results.

FSB Pro has improved tremendously over the years and recently I started to jump over to EA Studio which also produce very good strategies if you know how to refine them further (as according to you trading knowledge of how the market works).

Best of luck to your EA Development.

8 (edited by hannahis 2018-07-24 17:01:52)

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

I see, doing your friend a kind favor.  That's nice

Why don't surprise him with a "better" EA that will beat his original one smile (just kidding)

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

Anche a me servirebbero gli indicatori DEMA e TEMA....non è proprio possibile poterli inserire?
Vi prego!


Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

Mostrami gli indicatori DEMA e TEMA in codice sorgente mq4. Quindi posso vedere cosa posso fare.

I hope you capisci.

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

footon wrote:

Mostrami gli indicatori DEMA e TEMA in codice sorgente mq4. Quindi posso vedere cosa posso fare.

I hope you capisci.


Post's attachments

DEMA.mq4 1.85 kb, 11 downloads since 2020-03-31 

TEMA.mq4 2.5 kb, 11 downloads since 2020-03-31 

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Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

Indicatori allegati di seguito.

Segnala eventuali problemi.

Tra un paio di giorni preparerò le versioni di mqh per la funzione di esportazione EA.

Post's attachments

DEMA.cs 15.94 kb, 24 downloads since 2020-03-31 

TEMA.cs 16.05 kb, 24 downloads since 2020-03-31 

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Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

Versioni di mqh.

Target folder: Forex Strategy Builder Pro\User Files\MT4 Files\MQL\\Custom

Post's attachments

DEMA.mqh 8.24 kb, 24 downloads since 2020-04-01 

TEMA.mqh 8.37 kb, 21 downloads since 2020-04-01 

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Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

footon wrote:

Versioni di mqh.

Target folder: Forex Strategy Builder Pro\User Files\MT4 Files\MQL\\Custom

Tantissime grazie !
Buona giornata

15 (edited by footon 2020-04-05 11:34:41)

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

Tato gave me an idea about these indicators and I made a 3-in-1 crossover of them. I optimized my approach of indi coding to make it a faster process. I would appreciate if users report if something wrong is happening. It passed my tests but you never know.
.mqh file will come at a later date!

Post's attachments

DEMATEMACrossover.cs 14.88 kb, 26 downloads since 2020-04-03 

DEMATEMACrossover.mqh 9.61 kb, 19 downloads since 2020-04-05 

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Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

footon wrote:

Tato gave me an idea about these indicators and I made a 3-in-1 crossover of them. I optimized my approach of indi coding to make it a faster process. I would appreciate if users report if something wrong is happening. It passed my tests but you never know.
.mqh file will come at a later date!

Grazie tante footon, sei un grande!
Comincio al più presto a testare il tutto e ti terrò informato su come funziona il tutto.
Mi hai fatto un enorme regalo!
Buona serata e buon week end!

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

For testing purposes I ran a few EA models and to my surprise the indicators run successfully.
I found no flaws and further testing is encourage to determine usability.
Thank you Footon for taking the initiative.

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

.mqh for crossover done.

Post's attachments

DEMATEMACrossover.cs 14.88 kb, 18 downloads since 2020-04-05 

DEMATEMACrossover.mqh 9.61 kb, 15 downloads since 2020-04-05 

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Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

I have tested the DEMA , TEMA and DEMA TEMA Crossovers .
- They work great under FSB, but I cannot create an EA or export it to MT.
Please follow the example.

What could be the issue?

Post's attachments

Dema Tema.xml 15.4 kb, 8 downloads since 2020-04-07 

Dema Tema.xml 15.4 kb, 7 downloads since 2020-04-07 

Dema.xml 13.3 kb, 3 downloads since 2020-04-07 

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Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

I don't know, works for me exceptionally well. You must be doing something wrong, you must have error messages and they usually pinpoint the problem, what are your error messages?

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average


Yes .. I see the following errors:
-Cannot find the following indicators: DEMA , TEMA  DEMA-TEMA Crossover.
- EA is not exported , cannot create expert file.

- I check the user indicator folder and the indicators are there.

If the indicators are in the indicators folder, where else could FSB looking for them?

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

Target folder: Forex Strategy Builder Pro\User Files\MT4 Files\MQL\\Custom

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

Thanks a lot !!
I will have never done by myself !

- It looks like this file must be verified manually even is created automatically by FSB. ?

So ... all custom indicators must be in this data file, for them to work?
And all custom indicators  must be erased from the User indicators folder? or not necessary.

I think I have a mis or regular indicators and custom indicators since I get the message once I launch FSB :" Indicator "Abc***.dll" is already loaded from other file.

Therefore in order to avoid any conflict I must separate the indicators that may be in the wrong data file?

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

Max, hold your horses, don't overcomplicate things, it's bad for business smile

.cs files go to Indicator folder, .mqh files go to the Custom folder I showed above. mqh files are for export function.

If you get dll errors and if you have swapped indis and done some crazy things, then I suggest you close FSB, go to Library folder, delete all of its contents and restart FSB. Then all indis get re-compiled and no errors should show up. If they do, you have to find the troublemaker from the Indicator folder.

Re: TEMA and DEMA - Triple and Double Exponential Moving Average

Thanks  a lot .
Lots a inexperience mistakes.
I now know
Thank you for explaining.