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Forex Software → Portfolio Expert → How to add profit trailing code onto the Portfolio Expert

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1 (edited by hannahis 2018-07-08 10:42:53)

Topic: How to add profit trailing code onto the Portfolio Expert

Dear experts,

I need your advice....

I want to add Profit trailing to all open positions for my Portfolio Expert. 

In another words, if I have a Portfolio Expert (compile 50 EA into 1 EA), I would like to add in a code whereby it would also automatically do profit trailing for all opened positions.

Normally I have to install 2 EA, 1) Portfolio Expert and 2) another profit trailing EA. 

Because of this method, running 2 EA instead of one, I can't use the MT4 Strategy Tester to back test my EA results (with additional profit trailing EA) because the Strategy Tester would only run 1 EA (the Portfolio Expert) not 2 EA (Portfolio Expert and Profilt Trailing EA).

So is there any methods or code I can cut and paste onto my Portfolio Expert (both EA Studio version and FSB Pro version, Portfolio Maker) so that I can run these Portfolio Expert cum profit trailing as 1 EA instead of 2?

Thanks in advance for any kind soul out there who is willing to advice me on this matter.


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Forex Software → Portfolio Expert → How to add profit trailing code onto the Portfolio Expert

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