1 (edited by geektrader 2018-03-18 20:56:22)

Topic: Error uploading to the Validator if history data does not exist

Hi Dr. Popov,

I´ve noticed that if the history data that was used to create a collection is not present anymore, collections cannot be uploaded to the Validator anymore, it gives an error when trying to upload the strategy collection file and says that something is wrong with the file. As soon as I bring back in the history data that was used for the collection, I can upload the file fine again. In my opinion, the collection should be able to be uploaded regardless if the data that was used to create it is still present or not, so that we can retest it on different data too. Right now, if you don´t have the data anymore, all the collections become basically useless as they cannot be uploaded anymore.

The exact error is: "Cannot Import Strategy  There is something wrong with the file."

I have attached my collection file that you can use for testing. It was created with my own Pepperstone Data. If I re-upload my data under that name, the collection file loads fine again, but without it, it cannot be uploaded because of that error.

Post's attachments

Strategy Collection 47 EURUSD M15 (1).json 377.28 kb, 5 downloads since 2018-03-18 

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Re: Error uploading to the Validator if history data does not exist

Thank you for the report!

I'll fix that next week.

Re: Error uploading to the Validator if history data does not exist

Superb, thank you!

Re: Error uploading to the Validator if history data does not exist

The problem is fixed.
Please reload the app and test.
Now if the original market is not available, EA Studio replaces it with the nearest possible. It tries to keep the original symbol, if it is possible.

By the way, the Validator has an algorithm for detecting the most used market in the uploaded files and preset it in the "2. Historical data" panel.

Re: Error uploading to the Validator if history data does not exist

Great! I´ve just tested it and it works fine now, thank you :-) It defaults fine to the Metatrader-Demo data indeed.