Topic: Stocks historical data

Where can I get quotes for shares in the xml format?

Re: Stocks historical data


What do you mean "xml format"?

The CFD data format is exactly the same as the currently used format for the Forex data. The file is stored as a CSV (Comma Separated Values). The format is well described in the program's help.  See here: Forex Rates update

You can use historical data from your broker. If you use MT, here you can find a step by step guide how to save the data Meta Trader Historical Data

After saving the data file you have to add the new instrument: Menu Market -> Edit Instruments

Make this and if you have additional questions ask here.

Re: Stocks historical data

Ops, that's what I ment - csv instead of xml. But what I was interested in was to find an internet source for such data for shares and indices. I have no problem finding forex quotes.

Re: Stocks historical data

Yahoo Finance has excellent stock & options downloadable data in .csv format here >>>

Just click at the bottom to download the stock (ESIC in this example) data to your spreadsheet.

You may also wish to download more than the normal daily Time, Open,Hi, Lo,Close, Volume by using Yahoo tags found here  >>>

BTW, do you know how to use Metatrader 4 to auto trade stocks?

Hope this helps.

Re: Stocks historical data

Hey thanks a lot! Exactly what I was looking for, unfortunately I'm newbie in stock trading via Metatrader so won't be much of a help on that topic.

Re: Stocks historical data

As dan9mar says Yahoo Finance is a good source of data.

To use it we have to complete several steps:

1. Open the data file as a spreadsheet;
2. Delete the last column (Adj Close)
3. Delete the first row (with the column titles);
4. Add a new column between the first and the second. Put 00:00 in it. That is the hour column. We have 7 columns now (A-G);'
5. Select the price columns (C-F). Pres "Increase Decimal" and after that "Decrease Decimal". That puts a decimal point to all of the prices.
6. Now we need to sort the data rows. The newest bar have to be the bottom one. To do this select all the columns and go to "Data" menu -> "Sort". Set the options "Sort by Column A",  "Ascending".  Press "OK".
7. Save the file as CSV in your data directory. For example ESIC1440.csv

That is all. It looks a little  bit complicated but these steps are necessary.

Re: Stocks historical data

I was just about to ask that since I got an error message when I tried to upload the data. However, now it seems everything is finally working.

Re: Stocks historical data

How can I increase the number of bars in Market statistics? or this is impossible to do, because i wanna see data for 10 years however it shows me only 2 or 3 years back

Re: Stocks historical data

Hi, my english is very bad, but i need to know how i can include data of my broker FXCM. Thanks

Re: Stocks historical data

Hello again, i need to know how i can include new currency pairs. Thanks again

Re: Stocks historical data

echernandezr wrote:

Hello again, i need to know how i can include new currency pairs. Thanks again

Use Market Menu -> Edit Instruments

Re: Stocks historical data

Popov wrote:

As dan9mar says Yahoo Finance is a good source of data.

To use it we have to complete several steps:

1. Open the data file as a spreadsheet;
2. Delete the last column (Adj Close)
3. Delete the first row (with the column titles);
4. Add a new column between the first and the second. Put 00:00 in it. That is the hour column. We have 7 columns now (A-G);'
5. Select the price columns (C-F). Pres "Increase Decimal" and after that "Decrease Decimal". That puts a decimal point to all of the prices.
6. Now we need to sort the data rows. The newest bar have to be the bottom one. To do this select all the columns and go to "Data" menu -> "Sort". Set the options "Sort by Column A",  "Ascending".  Press "OK".
7. Save the file as CSV in your data directory. For example ESIC1440.csv

That is all. It looks a little  bit complicated but these steps are necessary.

Iam using a quote downloader there are many in the market it saves lots of efforts from editing data but it needs one step  ( to change every stock name ) to fit the criteria required by FSB  any solution for this step!!!!
