1 (edited by tims3057 2018-02-14 13:11:56)

Topic: How to upload mt4 indicators to code repository

Hello good people.I am not a coder and I know nothing about coding so please point me in the right direction..I have some stop loss indicators i want to upload to the code repository and download and install them into the forex strategy builder to generate strategies.But when i tried to upload the mq4 file into the code repository this is what it says "The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed" .I will be very pleased if someone can point us into the right direction.thank you for your time and green pips to you all.

I have attached 15 indicators in the zip file that i was trying to upload one by one into the code repository but couldnt.

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MT4StopsIndicator.zip 56.27 kb, 10 downloads since 2018-02-14 

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Re: How to upload mt4 indicators to code repository

Hello Tims,

The error message you received is valid. FSB does not recognize .mq4 files, it uses files written in C# language. Therefore your files cannot be used directly in FSB. If your mq indicators involve adjusting stop losses, take profit levels, then most likely those indicators cannot be adapted for use in FSB, because Stop Loss and Stop Limit indicators cannot be customized. That's all I can say for now.

Re: How to upload mt4 indicators to code repository

Thank you for the kind response but I dont understand why you say " If your mq indicators involve adjusting stop losses, take profit levels, then most likely those indicators cannot be adapted for use in FSB, because Stop Loss and Stop Limit indicators cannot be customized."   Your ATR trailing stop indicator doesnt involve adjusting stop losses?I will be pleased if you can answer in simple because I dont know coding.Thank you and green pips to you Good Sir.

footon wrote:

Hello Tims,

The error message you received is valid. FSB does not recognize .mq4 files, it uses files written in C# language. Therefore your files cannot be used directly in FSB. If your mq indicators involve adjusting stop losses, take profit levels, then most likely those indicators cannot be adapted for use in FSB, because Stop Loss and Stop Limit indicators cannot be customized. That's all I can say for now.