Blaiserboy wrote:Wilson said that the trades are 3 - 5 seconds in length..... I don't think we have the ability to limit the trade time so far, at least to seconds.
The generator likes to look for maximum profits so it will not cut off a trade that fast (I think).
Few trades go over 30s too... It's not much about the trade time but the market condition or a pattern, like Wilson said. If you watch a live chart - look how sometimes price takes off, it's not much - couple of pips maybe, 5 at most - but if you can catch that train it should produce a profit. Good trading platform is an absolute must though. I can imagine doing it on MT - when the trade gets finally processed, it will take even your last pair of worned out pants from you to cover the losses...
I can see it happening on tick data, Wilson you said you are studying the trades, have you looked at respective tick charts? That might provide a few clues hopefully.
To be honest, I am intrigued as well. Technically we can modify Take Profit indi to accept like 1 pip of profit, and it's an all-go-go-go in the generator, but my instinct tells me to develop an intrabar strat one needs intrabar data, that is tick data.