Topic: Narrow range or PSAR Indicator problem

Dear popov
donot know if this is a bug or i do something wrong ?!
Strategy is:
Opening point ( bar opening)
opening logic (Narrow range)
Closing point ( At PSAR)
How come there are open trades , as i think there must be no open trades at all !!!  Am i right !!!

And another Issue : If we look at the chart we will find that most of NR candles not picked in trades , the strategy select some candles to enter and missed the others

Re: Narrow range or PSAR Indicator problem

PSAR indicator can give entry direction even it's located in the "Closing Point of the Position" slot.

It comes from the PSAR logic. When the market is above PSAR, it allows long entries. When the market is below PSAr, it allows short entries.

Taking that into account, you'll see that both cases you report are correct.
1st case - Narrow Range gives permission in both directions, that would be an ambiguous signal without any other entry filters, but PSAR filters that.

2nd case - the position remains open until closing at PSAR. That's because the additional signals in the same and the opposite directions are set to "Nothing". That means no adding or reducing of a position.

3 (edited by ahmedalhoseny 2010-09-16 08:23:24)

Re: Narrow range or PSAR Indicator problem

Popov wrote:

It comes from the PSAR logic. When the market is above PSAR, it allows long entries. When the market is below PSAr, it allows short entries.

But the PSAR  here used only as a closing point not opening logic condition !!

And if this is the case so using PSAR as a closing condition at any strategy makes it useles to use it again withing the opening logic conditions because using it as a closing only override (mask) its use as open logic ... Am i right