Topic: Moving Average Cross Error?

I think that the MA Cross indicator might by faulty... on back testing  the indicator does not recognise the diference between a cross and the two indicators comming togater and having the same value than separating with out crossing... 
also is there a way to force the robot to exit position just as the cross forms in the oposite direction of it's formation? how do i do that?

Thanks  let me know what you think cool

Re: Moving Average Cross Error?

dr.B wrote:

also is there a way to force the robot to exit position just as the cross forms in the oposite direction of it's formation? how do i do that?

Try "Next Opposite Signal", set to "Close". (In Strategy Properties panel, middle column at the top). This sounds similar.

Re: Moving Average Cross Error?

Thanks krog that works. Is there a solution to the overlap without a cross over problem?