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Forex Software → Forex Strategies → What settings for 1 week Forex contest?

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Posts: 3

1 (edited by acharyadas 2010-07-02 13:39:31)

Topic: What settings for 1 week Forex contest?

What settings for FSB would you propose for 1 week forex contest?

1. Probably many trades so set minimum number of trades setting to big number (if I use 5 month data - then 4 trades a day 4*20*5 = 400 minimum)
2. GBP or JPY currencies to have biggest gains (there is limitation of 1 lot/order and 5lots/person simultaneously)
3. There is 10000 starting capital, so probably drawdown setting = 1000 USD
4. Other ideas?

Here are my results from different strategies in last week:

Re: What settings for 1 week Forex contest?

acharyadas wrote:

What settings for FSB would you propose for 1 week forex contest?

1. Probably many trades so set minimum number of trades setting to big number (if I use 5 month data - then 4 trades a day 4*20*5 = 400 minimum)
2. GBP or JPY currencies to have biggest gains (there is limitation of 1 lot/order and 5lots/person simultaneously)
3. There is 10000 starting capital, so probably drawdown setting = 1000 USD
4. Other ideas?

Here are my results from different strategies in last week:

wanna share your strategies?

Re: What settings for 1 week Forex contest?

IndianForexTrader wrote:
acharyadas wrote:

What settings for FSB would you propose for 1 week forex contest?

1. Probably many trades so set minimum number of trades setting to big number (if I use 5 month data - then 4 trades a day 4*20*5 = 400 minimum)
2. GBP or JPY currencies to have biggest gains (there is limitation of 1 lot/order and 5lots/person simultaneously)
3. There is 10000 starting capital, so probably drawdown setting = 1000 USD
4. Other ideas?

Here are my results from different strategies in last week:

wanna share your strategies?

1. 200busy5mth-eurusd-5-ginko-077-12703.xml ID510
2.  ID520
3. 200busy5mth-gbpusd-5-sigma-062-17596.xml ID530
4. 200busy5mth-gbpjpy-5-karunesh-067-15324.xml ID540

Post's attachments 3.09 kb, 13 downloads since 2010-07-02 

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