Topic: Can't generate strategies with 3 brokers

FXCM - no problem at all

Oanda - data good, but when running generator nothing is created

FXChoice - same as Oanda

TradersWay - same as Oanda

I have deleted The FXCM data repeatedly and replaced it exactly the same way and FXCM worked as before. Followed the same steps for the other brokers with no success.

What am I missing.

Re: Can't generate strategies with 3 brokers

Attach one file from Oanda for test. I'm pretty sure that I can generate a strategy for 1 minute.

3 (edited by jcfii 2016-05-06 21:40:04)

Re: Can't generate strategies with 3 brokers

You probably can , but why can't I? M1 too big to upload.

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EURUSD60.hst 145.4 kb, 1 downloads since 2016-05-06 

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Re: Can't generate strategies with 3 brokers

Probably your Acceptance Criteria are too strict.

The strategy is generated for 20 seconds.

Re: Can't generate strategies with 3 brokers

All brokers are set the same except for leverage. I will keep trying.