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Forex Software → Technical Indicators → Waddah indicator

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Topic: Waddah indicator

Is possible translate this one?

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Waddah_Attar_Explosion.mq4 7.83 kb, 8 downloads since 2012-06-28 

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Re: Waddah indicator

and this one too smile

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sidus v.2.mq4 4.19 kb, 11 downloads since 2012-06-28 

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Re: Waddah indicator

ferdyrm wrote:

Is possible translate this one?

Chart values match, but signal matching is for you to verify.

I tried to implement closing signals also, but exitshort did not give any signals. I took the corresponding line straight from the source, so a mistake on my part is not likely, but one never knows. All I can say I did not find anything unusual. Indi for open.filter is below.


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WA explosion.cs 12.08 kb, 57 downloads since 2012-06-28 

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Re: Waddah indicator

I did my best at Sidus, interesting is that indi components match but signals vary, I think it's something to do with data alignment as counters are used. Other thing is FSB goes from left to right (at least I coded it to do so), MT goes from right to left, again it can have an impact on the counters and therefore signals. I conclude that the indi works the same way as the author planned, but differences in calculation starting and ending points may bring up signal indifferences.

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Sidus v.cs 10.34 kb, 37 downloads since 2012-07-26 

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