Topic: ERROR: Wrong Server Name

Have you come across this error before. I can't upload any files on BOT..

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Re: ERROR: Wrong Server Name

Can you attach one of the files?

Re: ERROR: Wrong Server Name

I can't actually. I shows that it's uploading and when it reaches 100% it just disappears from the screen...

Re: ERROR: Wrong Server Name

Stav wrote:

I can't actually. I shows that it's uploading and when it reaches 100% it just disappears from the screen...

Just to mention I have completed an upload of the very same file yesterday. I have uploaded five files if I recall correct. At some point last night this message appeared and since then I haven't been able to upload any sort of files.

Re: ERROR: Wrong Server Name

I've had this too. I opened json file with notepad++, then I found out that the file didn't have any servename in it's settings, so I wrote a name there, saved it and it worked.

Re: ERROR: Wrong Server Name

The Script takes the terminal name at line 95 with the function TerminalName();

    string meta =
        "\"terminal\":\""     + TerminalName() + "\"," +
        "\"company\":\""      + AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_COMPANY) + "\"," +
        "\"server\":\""       + AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_SERVER)  + "\"," +

Now I see MetaQuotes has introduced new functions.
Please try changing line 95 to:

    string meta =
        "\"terminal\":\""     + TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_NAME) + "\"," +

If it works well for you, I'll upload the changes to the app.

Ops. I see you speak for server name instead of terminal name.
There is no fixes for that problem so far.

Please ask your brokers for the problem. It is a clear bug (or they are ghosts smile ).

Re: ERROR: Wrong Server Name

footon wrote:

the file didn't have any servename in it's settings

Tyoed a server name and it worked for me as well smile Thank you footon!

Now just gotta have to do it one by one - bah


Re: ERROR: Wrong Server Name

Popov wrote:

Please ask your brokers for the problem. It is a clear bug (or they are ghosts smile ).

I think the problem was created because when I was extracting to .json format I was:

1) Disconnected from my account

2) Had deleted the account

It is a clear bug (or they are ghosts)

I made them a ghost tongue

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Re: ERROR: Wrong Server Name

Stav, thank you pointing that. It is a reasonable cause.

You can set the server name in the script and it will work for all exports.

Re: ERROR: Wrong Server Name

No problem.

It works find indeed.